Health Concerns
Man Made and Natural Hazards
Weather Hazards
General Safety and Helicopter Safety
Red Flags
High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)
What is a altitude illness that effects the lungs?
These are 5 Natural Hazards
What are Cactus, Spiny plants, Dead snags, Thick brush, Loose rocks, Drop offs, Sinkholes, Altitude, Avalanches, Caves, Bears, Pumas, Bobcats, Wolves, Livestock, Snakes, Insects, Spiders, Streams, Rivers, Lakes, Flash floods, Cold, Heat, Wind Rain, Hail, Snow, Lightning, and Bright sun
This is a painful muscle spasm caused by low fluid and electrolyte levels in the body.
What are Heat Cramps
The number one priority
What is My Safety?
Dehydration Red Flag
What is vomiting, skin tenting, and change in mental status?
These are the ways to prevent Altitude Illness
What are taking your time traveling to higher altitudes, sleep at low altitudes, and hydrate.
This is what to do in the wilderness in a lightning storm
What is squat on insulating material with your feet and knees together, elbows in, arms around legs, and at least 15 feet away from tall structures. Spread out from group.
These signs and symptoms distinguish Severe from Moderate Hypothermia.
What is Being withdrawn becomes incoherence, loss of awareness, and unconsciousness. Stumbling/ sluggish movements becomes very poor coordination and inability to walk. Violent/uncontrollable shivering stops
These things can effect a searchers judgment in making safe decisions
What are Ego, Medications, Level of fatigue, Hypothermia, Hyperthermia, Altitude, Hunger, and Dehydration?
Heat Exhaustion Red Flag
What is stop sweating, dizzy, and change in mental status?
These are signs and symptoms of High Altitude Cerebral Edema
What are Severe headache, Light shunning, irritability, vomiting, Confusion, and Convulsions are possible?
This is the depth of moving water that can knock you down and drown you
What is 6 inches?
This is how to prevent Hypothermia
What is Proper Clothing, Hands feet head and face protection, Keeping body and clothing dry, Eat and Drink
This is when you may approach a helicopter
What is when directed by the pilot or crew-chief?
Altitude Illness Red Flag
What is cough, altered mental status, inability to catch breath?
These are signs and symptoms of more severe Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)
What are Cough, Shortness of Breath at rest, Chest tightness or congestion, Bluish discoloration of the skin, coughing up blood, Inability to walk in a straight line, Decreased consciousness or withdrawal and confusion, and Gray or pale complexion?
These are 5 man made hazards
What is Marijuana fields, Meth labs, Booby traps, Mines, Ruins, Old buildings, Barbed wire, White Supremacists, Militia, Hunters, and Fires
The are signs and symptoms are Dizziness, Nausea, Headache, Paleness, Weakness, Sometimes cool clammy skin, Heavy sweating, and possibly Fainting
What are the signs and symptoms of Heat Exhaustion?
This is where you may approach a helicopter from
What is from 45 degrees off front center to directly to the side, and from the down hill side?
Hypothermia Red Flag
What is uncoordinated movements, uncontrollable shivering, change in mental status (grumpy or withdrawn)?
These are treatments for Altitude Illness
What is Get to lower elevation (1500 ft. to 2000 ft lower), Rest, and Hydrate.
This is your best Protection from hazards
What is Knowledge?
These are signs and symptoms of Moderate to Severe Dehydration
What are Very Dry Mouth, Sunken eyes, Skin tenting, Rapid weak pulse, Cold hands and feet, Rapid respirations, Blue lips, Confusion, and Lethargy?
These are 5 other things to consider around a helicopter for every ones safety
What is Blowing dirt and other objects, Eye and ear protection, the Tail Rotor, Items on head and in backpack sticking up, Wires, Fences, Stumps, Landing Zone size, and Temperature drop from rotor wash.
Team Readiness Red Flag
What is when it pushes the limitations of an individual on the team?