Home Safety
School Safety
Community Safety
Emergency Procedures
Online Safety

What should you do if you smell gas in your house?

Open windows, leave the house immediately, and call 911 or the gas company from a safe location.


Who can you talk to if you are being bullied at school?

A teacher, school counselor, principal, or any trusted adult.


What is the safest way to cross the street?

Use a crosswalk, look both ways, and cross when it is safe.


What is the first thing you should do if there is a fire in your house?

Get out of the house immediately and call 911 from a safe location.


Why is it important not to share your password with friends?

To protect your personal information and prevent unauthorized access to your accounts.


Why is it important to have smoke detectors in your home?

Smoke detectors can alert you to a fire early, giving you time to escape safely.


What should you do if you witness bullying happening to someone else?

Report it to a teacher or school official and offer support to the victim.


Why should you wear a helmet when riding a bike?

To protect your head in case of a fall or accident.


Why is it important to have a family emergency plan?

To ensure everyone knows what to do and where to go in case of an emergency.


What should you do if you receive a suspicious message online?

Do not respond, report it to a trusted adult, and block the sender.


Where should you keep cleaning supplies and medications at home?

Out of reach and locked up, especially away from young children.


Why is it important to participate in school emergency drills?

To be prepared and know what to do in case of an actual emergency.


What should you do if a stranger approaches you and makes you feel uncomfortable?

Move away, go to a safe place, and tell a trusted adult.


What should you do if you are caught outside during a thunderstorm?

Seek shelter indoors and avoid tall objects, open fields, and water.


Why should you avoid sharing personal information on social media?

To protect your privacy and prevent identity theft or other online dangers.


Why should you never use electrical appliances near water?

Water conducts electricity, and using appliances near water can cause electric shocks or electrocution.


What should you do if a stranger tries to pick you up from school and you don't know them?

Do not go with them and immediately report the incident to a teacher or school official.


Why is it important to let someone know where you are going?

So they can find you or help you in case of an emergency.


Why should you avoid using elevators during a fire?

Elevators can become trapped or stop working, and stairs are safer for evacuation.


What is cyberbullying and what should you do if you experience it?

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place online. If you experience it, tell a trusted adult and report it to the platform.


What should you do if you see a frayed or damaged electrical cord?

Stop using the appliance immediately and replace the cord or have it repaired.


How can you help create a safer school environment?

By respecting others, reporting unsafe behavior, and participating in safety programs.


What are some safe places you can go to in your community if you need help?

Library, fire station, or a trusted neighbor's house.


What items should be included in an emergency kit at home?

Water, non-perishable food, flashlight, batteries, first aid kit, and important documents.


How can you create strong passwords to keep your accounts safe?

Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, and avoid using easily guessable information like your name or birthdate.
