The word that is identified by the second "P" in PPE
What is "Protective"?
New hires can clean up another person's blood or bodily fluid after receiving which trainings...
What are Workday E learning and hands-on training?
HAZCOM is short for...
What is hazard communication?
True/False: Lets be honest, you actually do not have to wear any PPE if you dont want to, even if your supervisor tells you to. Its a free country after all!
You are expected to touch blood, bodily fluids, mucous membranes and raw sewage. You should be wearing...
Disposable gloves
MSDS was changed to...
What is SDS (safety data sheets)?
What's oxygen, heat and fuel?
What PPE can be used to protect eyes?
What are google or face shields?
What is a sharps container?
True/False: You pour a substance from the original container into a smaller, easier-to-use container. You do not need to label it because it is "your" container
When engineering, work practice and administrative controls are not feasible or do not provide sufficient protection, employers must provide ____ ____ ____
What is Personal Protective Equipment?
Open Wound
What are the 4 ways bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted?
Must be readily available to employees.
What is SDS?
The first place to go with safety related questions or concerns.
What is your supervisor?
Two most prevalent bloodborne pathogens...
What are Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)?
Contact safety manager first and provide a copy of the sds
What is ordering new chemicals?