What are all employees granted during work activities to shut down work?
All employees are granted Stop Work Authority (SWA). SWA will be initiated for a task or concern when a risk control is perceived inadequate, unclear, or not understood. All supervisors will be supportive of employees invoking this authority and will address the concern raised by the employee.
At what depth must protective systems be used when trenching?
Trenches 5 feet deep or greater require a protective system.
What is the name of a daily pre-shift meeting called to discuss with crews and identify hazards with the scope of work for the day?
Toolbox Talk, Tailboard, Pre-Job Meeting
At what height is fall protection required.
6 feet
Where and when does case management start?
Case management begins directly after the incident occurs in the field.
What role does a field supervisor play in safety
Project supervising personnel shall orient new employees to their specific work tasks, and be responsible for the enforcement of the work methods and safety and health procedures of work performed under their individual assignments.
What is the definition of a competent person?
One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them
Documentation that should be filled out before any use of equipment.
Daily Equipment Inspection
When working over or adjacent to water, what PPE should be worn by all employees?
Personal Floatation Device (PFD)
Immediately after an incident occurs what action must happen.
The scene must be frozen.
Elevated haul routes shall have berms in place at what height?
Axel height or greater for the largest type of equipment that normally occupies the road.
Clause that requires employers to provide a workplace free from recognized hazards that could cause death or serious physical harm
General Duty Clause
What document encompasses the scope of work, the hazards, and mitigations that must be filled out prior to work beginning. This is a living document that needs to be updated as the work or changing conditions.
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)
All projects should have an EAP. What does EAP stand for?
Emergency action Plan
First step that should be taken when an employee is injured.
Ensure the injured employee is cared for.
There are four types of inspections that must be completed for cranes and hoists. What are they?
1) Initial inspection
2) Daily inspection.
3) monthly inspection.
4) Annual inspection.
Lanyards and vertical lifeline must have a breaking strength of how many pounds?
Lanyards and vertical lifelines shall have a minimum breaking strength of 5,000 pounds
A document that provides information about the safe handling and use of chemicals.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Difference between fall restraint and fall arrest is?
Fall restraint
Prevents falls by keeping workers within a safe work area and preventing them from approaching hazardous areas with rick of a fall.
Fall arrest
Stops falls that have already occurred to reduce injury. Fall arrest systems are reactive, and allow workers to move around while in a fall hazard area.
What is a first aid?
First aid can include cleaning minor cuts, scrapes, or scratches; treating a minor burn; applying bandages and dressings; the use of non-prescription medicine; draining blisters; removing debris from the eyes; massage; and drinking fluids to relieve heat stress.
What does SHIIPP stand for?
Name 3 components of an SDS sheet required by OSHA.
1. Identification
2. Hazard Identification
3. Composition/information on ingredients
4. First aid measures
6. Accidental release measures
7. Handling and storage
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
9. Physical and chemical properties
10. Stability and reactivity
11. Toxicological information
12. Ecological information (Non-mandatory)
13. Disposal considerations (Non-mandatory)
14. Transport information (Non-mandatory)
15. Regulatory information (Non-mandatory)
16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision
When must an excavation inspection be filled out completely?
This form must be completed for excavations that are greater than 5 feet in depth and those that are under 5 feet, if conditions warrant. Excavations or pits must be re-inspected if there is a change in soil condition, e.g., after rain or thawing.
According to Mike Flynn what are two key aspects of safety.
1) Safety is about people
2) There no secret in construction
Name 3 items that would cause an injury to be determined as a recordable.
1. Wound closure such as sutures or staples (Not Steri-Strips)
2. Prescription Medication. Ex-Antibiotics, Pain Meds
3. Loss of consciousness
4. Days away from work
5. Restricted work or transfer to another job
6. Physical therapy or Chiropractic treatment
7. Facture or broken bone