Personnel Safety Management System
After Action Review
Fatalities, maiming, and other injuries that severely impact daily activities long term
Life Altering Injury (LAI)
Risk management approach that focuses on safeguards being in place and effective prior to the start of work to deliver safety, this day, this task, this job
Safety in the Moment (SitM)
A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.
Potential Hurt Level
Significant Injury or Fatality
A proactive, mental risk analysis tool for the individual
Last Minute Risk Assessment (LMRA)
A work condition associated with the work environment, the task or individual that makes error more likely.
Error-Prone Situation
Unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a double bond.
Alkene, i.e. olefin
Last Minute Risk Assessment
Factor Analysis Worksheet
Key preventive and mitigative safeguards and actions that workers need to ensure are in place prior to starting work, and maintain through work execution when performing Life altering injury potential work.
Life Saving Rules & Actions (LSRA)
A job-aid intended to identify task and site specific hazards and safeguards necessary to prevent life-altering injuries or significant process safety events.
PSMS Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
A figure expressing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a logarithmic scale on which 7 is neutral.
Actual Hurt Level
Layered Engagement and Development
Verification that controls/safeguards are in place and effective prior to starting work.
Start Work Checks (SWC)
Having a co-worker or supervisor separately, and independently, confirm it is safe to proceed.
Independent Verification
Black and white symbols that warn users about the potential hazards of hazardous chemicals
Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Pictograms
Verification & Validation
A proactive learning process used to observe how work actually gets done compared to the job standard.
Targeted Learning Observation (TLO)
Physical or behavioral measures taken to prevent or mitigate undesirable impact to people, equipment, or the environment
New Chemical Evaluation