Type of Risk
Level of Risk
Type of Safety Plan
Handle the Risk
Halloween Movie Trivia!!!

"He needs to be taught a lesson!" Is this an inside or outside risk? 

Inside- it is a thought inside my mind. 


a classmate is screaming in the hallway- is this a low, medium, or high risk situation?

low- the situation is far away and/or will cause stress! 


 I use this plan when I think about how I am going to handle the risk and take an On-Track Action to handle the risk. I usually use this plan in low-risk situations. Which safety plan am I?

Thinking Safety Plan! 


What are three ways we can handle risky situations? 

Focus on a new-me activity, move away or leave the area!


Which Disney Halloween film has three sisters with blonde, brown and red hair? 

Hocus Pocus!!


Playing with a lighter- is this an inside or outside risk? 

outside- a lighter can be a dangerous thing! 


A classmate screams cuss words at you at the lunch table. -Is this a low, medium or high risk? 

Medium risk- it is directly in your area and could cause problems. 


I use this safety plan when I tell someone about the risk, what could happen, what I have the urge to do or how I am going to handle the risk. It helps me stay on-track in tricky situations. I use this safety plan in medium to high-risk situations. What safety plan am I?

Talking Safety Plan! 


We focus on a New-Me activity in a low, medium or high-risk situation? 

Low-risk situations! In low-risk situations, I can focus my attention on a New-Me activity. By focusing on what I need to do, I am able to stay on-track and keep my feelings from going higher. 


Some argue that this Halloween film could also be a Christmas movie! 

The Nightmare Before Christmas!


"I hate him!!"- Is this an inside or outside risk?

inside- it is a feeling! 


A classmate trips you purposefully in the hallway at school and everyone laughs at you in the hallway- is this a low, medium or high risk situation? 

This is a high-risk situation, as it is close by and will cause serious damage! 


I use this safety plan when I write down possible risk and dangers that are happening or may happen in the future. I write down the plan to handle the risk in safe ways. I use this plan in high-risk situations. Which safety plan am I? 

Written Safety Plan! 


We practice Moving Away in low, medium or high risk situations? 

Medium-risk situations! In a medium-risk situation, I move away from the risk. For example, if I am having a problem with a person I live with, I should go to my room! 


When a young girl living with her secret witch mother learns she too is a witch, she must help her witch grandmother save this place from evil forces.



A bully trips you in the hallway- is this an inside or outside risk? 

outside- a person is causing an unsafe situation. 


You hear a student behind you whispering mean things to a classmate- is this a low, medium or high risk situation? 

Medium risk- it is in your area and can cause problems! 


T or F? Thinking safety plans are useful in high-risk situations!

FALSE! In a high-risk situation, we need a written safety plan to stay safe! 


We practice leaving the area in low, medium or high-risk situations? 

In a high-risk situation, I leave the area or activity. I go to a safer place. It is important to go where I can't hear, see, talk to or touch the risk. 


Wandering her rambling old house in her boring new town, this 11-year-old girl discovers a hidden door to a strangely idealized version of her life.



"I want to smack him!" Is this an inside or outside risk? 

Inside- it is an urge! 


Someone stole your Nike backpack and is wearing it at the lunch table. -Is this a low, medium or high-risk situation? 

High- it is close by and can cause serious damage! 


T or F? Talking Safety Plans are used in medium-risk situations? 



T or F? In high-risk situations, leaving, talking to someone, or focusing on a new-me activity in a safe area will help me be on-track? 



 A realtor and his wife and children are summoned to a mansion, which they soon discover is haunted and attempt to escape.

The Haunted Mansion!!
