What the I and R stand for in A.W.A.I.R.
What is Injury Reduction?
The name of two common Blood Borne Pathogens.
What are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV?
What ERTK stands for.
What is Employee Right To Know?
Besides cold stress, the name of a Harmful Physical Agent.
What are Heat Stress, Loud Environments, and Radiation?
Common hearing protection devices provided.
What are ear plugs and ear muffs.
(Also canal caps and isolation.)
The group that meets to discuss and review concerns and programs.
What is the Safety Committee?
The PPE most commonly used to prevent spread of disease by touch.
What are sterile gloves?
A detailed listing of information pertaining to a Hazardous substance.
What is an SDS?
While working outside your co-worker feels nauseous, confused, convulsions, passing out.
What are symptoms of Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke?
Two common hazards that protective footwear protects from.
What are dropped objects, slips, electrical shock, punctures, and liquid splashes?
The group responsible for attending training and reporting hazardous work conditions.
Who are the Employees?
A device used during CPR to stop the spread of disease.
What is a protective mask / CPR mask?
The uncontrolled emission of gas from a broken valve would cause this.
What is an Accidental Release?
The two charts used to show the "feels like" temperature effect on the body.
What are Windchill and Heat index charts?
The typical life expectancy of a hard hat.
What is 2-5 years? Imprinted inside the hard hat.
The mandatory timeframe each safety program must be reviewed.
What is annually?
Do this before eating to stop spread of BBP.
What is washing your hands?
An external visual reminder of the hazards contained in the package.
What is a Pictogram? (Also accept Label or Placard.)
The most common source of radiation injuries.
What is UV Radiation? (Sunlight that gets through the Ozone layer)
Besides safety glasses, two common eye protections provided by employers.
What are goggles and face shields?
Also screens and curtains.
A scenario that could have resulted in injury.
What is a near miss?
This is the length of time a Hep B virus is viable outside the human body.
What is 5 - 7 days?
The approach used throughout the world to classify and label chemicals.
What is the Globally Harmonized System (GHS)?
The noise level that forces employers to provide mitigation.
What is 80 to 95 decibels?
The last layer of protection from a work hazard.
What is Personal Protective Equipment?
Other layers - Elimination, Substitution, Engineering, Administrative.