What color is typically used to indicate caution in a shop environment?
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What piece of PPE would you wear to protect your feet?
Closed toed shoes
What is the percentage of accidents caused by unsafe working conditions?
Which color is used to signify safety equipment and first aid?
Name one type of PPE that protects your eyes.
Safety glasses/ goggles
What type of mask is commonly used to protect the respiratory system?
A dust mask or respirator
Where does more than a third of injuries take place on the body?
What does the color red usually represent in shop safety signage?
Name a type of PPE for hearing protection.
Ear plugs or ear muffs
Explain the acronym "P.A.S.S" for using a fire extinguisher.
Name a color that indicates a warning for potential hazards.
What PPE is essential for protecting your head from falling objects?
Hard Hat
What kind of pants do you need to wear in the shop?
Long pants
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Association
What color represents radiation?
To protect against injuries and hazards
Steel-toed boots.
What is the definition of an accident?
“An unfortunate event causing loss or injury resulting from carelessness, unawareness, ignorance, or a combination of causes.”