Stranger Danger
Fire Safety
911 Call
Kitchen Safety
Covid Safety

You’re waiting for your family to pick you up from the library & a stranger drives up and asks if you need a ride. You should get in the car. True or false? 

False. You should never get into a car with someone you do not know, even if they say they know a friend or family member of yours. 


If your clothes catch on fire, you should what? 

Stop, drop and roll


True or false?

should call 911 if I, or someone I’m with, is having a medical emergency. 

True. Calling 911 will ensure that medical personnel come to assist them. 


When I spill something on the floor or counter while cooking I should:

Clean it up promptly so no one slips. 


True or false?

I should stay home if I’m experiencing a fever. 

True. I should not go back to program or work until I’ve been without the fever for at least 24 hours. 


If someone I don’t know is trying to talk to me, what are some ways I can show them I do not want to talk?

Ignore them, walk away, say “I don’t want to talk”, and if they are Persistent you can grab a person in charge or call 911


When planning your evacuation route in case of a fire, how many exits should you try to find out of a room? 

2-3. These exits could be through different doors or windows. 


What’s the first thing you should tell a 911 operator? 

Your name & location


Which way should the handles of your pots face on the stove? 

Towards the stove so you don’t accidentally knock them over. 


How far away should I stay from someone when social distancing? 

6 feet


If someone calls you on the phone saying you owe money (to the IRS, bill collector, etc) and they need you to give them your debit card information, should you give it to them? 

Do not give your debit or credit card Information out over the phone. Always verify information for anyone trying to get money from you, especially over the phone. Most government entities will only communicate through postal Mail. 


When stuck in a building on fire, should you stay standing upright or get low to the ground?

Get low to the ground. Smoke rises and it’ll be safer the lower you are to the ground.


If you don’t know your exact location in an emergency, what are some other ways you can help the 911 operator find you? 

Describe the area. The building you’re in or what you can see. If there’s identifiable street signs or landmarks. Identifiable smells. Anything that can assist them. 


True or false?

You should always wash your hands after touching raw meat. 

True. Raw meat carries bacteria that can make you sick if ingested. 


True or false?

Frequent hand washing can help prevent me from contracting Covid-19 



True or false?

You should alway let a friend or family member know where you are going if traveling alone. 

True. In case anything were to happen, they will know where you were last seen. 


True or false?

You should always have a meeting place decided with your family in case of an emergency. 

True. Establishing a meeting place ensures you’ll be able to find each other. 


True or false? 

It’s okay to call 911 for fun

False. 911 is for emergencies only. 


Where should meat be stored in the fridge? 

The bottom shelf so if it drips, it doesn’t drip on other food


True or false?

It’s perfectly okay to cough or sneeze on someone close by

False. You should always cover your mouth so you don’t spread germs around

You missed your stop and are lost on the bus. Who could you ask for assistance?

The bus driver. The bus driver should be able to direct you to the best stop you should get off at. 


How often should you change the batteries in your smoke detector? 

Smoke detector batteries should be changed 1-2 times per year and checked at least 1x per month


True or false? 

You don’t need to stay on the line after you report the emergency. 

False. You should always stay on the line until help arrives in case anything changes. 


True or false? 

Baking soda can put out a grease fire 



Masks should be worn over the mouth and ______

