Who has worked at a TNS site?
Who owns HALT Escalation Program Procedure?
When did YYC4 launch?
April 7, 2024
Who owns the Parking Lot?
Currently a fight between PxT, LP and Safety
When was the last day of our STA in YXU1?
March Something
What is the full form meaning of 5S?
What is the full meaning of ICQA?
Inventory Control and Quality Assurance
What is the sites Address?
6635 106 Ave. SE
What fruit is radioactive?
What is kaigagan's nickname?
In Contractor Management Policy, what are the requirements that the contractor will need to provide prior to the commencement of work? (Clue: 3)
JHA, VCO, Training Certificates
Name all the current Senior Ops under Sushant
Gary, Palwinder, Alon, Prince, Chijioke, Mahesh
Injury count YTD?
Besides the OMR's, what are the log-ins of all the safety team member that launched YYC4?
koledade,elkriste,rpartido,gkubaron,tejanmat,kaigagan,aamarac,mlobo, nikkio,bolamus
What are the names of the two AAs that support HazWaste team on Days or Nights?
Shiba and Barbara
What is in a Work-Hardening Kit?
Glennikka can you confirm if the answer is right
What are the 2 performance index for AAs?
Productivity (Quality) and Quality
A bird flies for too long in the FC, whats the cadence?
Procurement owns, LP approves, bird dies
Current OMR's log in?
hecathe,ezebrand,tkulisz,gelaai,whatever Dennis log in is
Who on the team has been featured on an affinity news letter?
What is the shelf-life of a KIVA battery?
What are the 4 adapt feedback categories?
Productivity, Quality, Behavioral and Safety
What is project Allegro?
A music for AA's on the floor project
Name all Amazon sites we have in Calgary?
DCG2,4, C1,4,5,6 HYC6