Teacher Roles
Child Abuse and Safety Drills
Student Environment
Being an Educator

As a teacher and student, you should be constantly alert to potential ___________ or unsafe situations.



When children are not given the basic needs of life, they suffer from _____________ such as being deprived of food, medical care, shelter, education, and/or clothing.



____________ should be done as frequently as possible to keep the spread of viruses and disease down in the classroom

Handwashing, clean surfaces, and sanitizing


Examples of educators demonstrating professionalism inside the school building include: 

a. Communicate verbally and nonverbally in a respectful manner; b. Work effectively in teams and resolve conflicts when necessary; c. Use leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others; d. Demonstrate a positive work ethic; e. Describe different cultural perspectives and their impact in school 

f. Manage time and resources wisely


This course is designed for students that want to pursue a career pathway that includes what occupation(s)?

School Guidance Counselor; School Psychologist (or General Psychologist); Career and College Counselor; Social Worker


Confidentiality means that a teacher will:

Keep medical, personal, and educational information about students to themselves UNLESS the information the student shares with the teacher is harming/harmful to the student and the student is potentially at-risk.


Individuals that work in education are _________ and should report any signs of child abuse by law

Mandated Reporters


TRUE OR FALSE: Signs and symptoms of illness include and are not limited to: Unusually quiet, irritable, drowsy, restless; Little desired food, fever of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting; and eyes red, irritated, sensitive to light, flushed or pale skin color. 

TRUE (All of the above)


Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov); Stage Theory of Cognitive Development (Jean Piaget); Social Learning Theory (Lev Vygotsky); Constructivism (Jerome Bruner); Experiential Learning (David Kolb); Multiple intelligences (Howard Gardener) are examples of educational theories that are centered around what? 

Different types of learning and human development


This federal law mandated standards-based education reform based on the premise that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals could improve individual outcomes in education.

No Child Left Behind Act


Include ____________ in the curriculum to teach children how to handle dangerous situations and advances from adults.

Protection Education


____________ is abuse of a child's self-concept through words or actions. Examples of this type of abuse include: Insufficient love, support, & guidance

Emotional Abuse


When would you use an AED?

When a child is unresponsive with no pulse


Students with learning disabilities are often-times created a individualized learning plan, that, once in effect, is a federal mandated document that ALL that student's teachers must abide by. What is this type of plan called?

IEP (Individualized Education Program) or 504 Plan


This was a name of a $4.35 billion United States Department of Education competitive grant created by President Barack Obama in 2009 to spur and reward innovation and reforms in state and local district K–12 education. States competing for the grants were awarded points for enacting certain educational policies, instituting performance-based evaluations for teachers and principals based on multiple measures of educator effectiveness (tied to targeted professional development and feedback), adopting common standards (though adoption of the Common Core state standards was not required), turning around the lowest-performing schools, and building and using data systems.

Race to the Top


Teachers and staff are required to have a ____________ to be hired

Background Check


A _________ means that you can continue with regular classroom task, but you must be aware of your surroundings. No classes move around the building unless an announcement is made during this time.



___________ procedures should be posted in every classroom



In the state of Tennessee, educators have a set of professional standards that they are expected and required to follow and uphold; this is called what?

Professional Code of Ethics


This is the name of a U.S. federal law that regulates access and disclosure of student education records. It grants parents access to their child's records, allows amendments, and controls disclosure. After a student turns 18, their consent is generally required for disclosure.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)


Teachers are responsible for planning a safe _________ for children.



During a lockdown, you should:

Hide, fight, or flight depending on the information received from administration or SRO


All codes are complete and regular school schedules and classroom tasks can return to normal when ______________ is called.

Code Green


In EVERY lesson plan (when a teacher actually begins teaching course content standards--typically after the 1st couple weeks of school), what is required to be included in a teacher's lesson plan?

a. Content-area standards; b. Student learning objectives aligned to standards; c. Instructional activities; d. Accommodations for special needs students; e. Closure/reflection; f. Assessment 


This is the name of the evaluation tool school administrators use in the state of Tennessee to evaluate all teachers and staff in a school building annually.

Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM)
