What is the address of one of the Sargent Offices?
What is 601 East Chicago Ave, East Chicago, IN
2767 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA
5176 North Clinton St, Terre Haute, IN
Which 90’s movie featured the Looney Tunes on its soundtrack?
What is Space Jam
The safest ladder to use around electricity is?
What is Fiberglass
What Pop group featured Mel B, Melanie Chisholm, Emma Bunton, Geri Halliwell, and Victoria Beckham.
Who are the Spice Girls
Who is the current President of Sargent Electric
Who is Rob Smith
What is the name of the oldest child on “The Cosby Show”?
Who is Sondra
The does TWIC stand for
What is Transportation Worker Identification Credential
Who is the founder of Facebook.
Who is Mark Zuckerberg
Name at least One (1) of Sargent's Core Values?
What is Integrity, Safety, Ingenuity and Excellence?
Who hosted "Star Search"?
Who is Ed McMahon
What is the ratio of the base of the extension ladder to be placed out from a vertical wall?
What is 4:1 ratio
This means for every four feet of elevation on the ladder, set the base about one foot out to ensure that it is stable when leaning against a structure.
Who is Prince William married to?
Who is Kate Middleton
Where is the Sargent Corporate office located
Where is Pittsburgh, PA
What 90'smovie had the famous quote “You can’t handle the truth!”
What is a few good men
Name 3 parts that make up a confined space
What is
1. Large enough for the employee to enter
2. Not designated for continuous occupancy
2. Limited Means of egress
Who is the oldest of the Kardashian sisters?
Who is Kourtney
Name at least 2 NWI Division Managers
Who is:
Dennis Hathaway
John Moneski
Tom Frame
Who voiced Mikey in "Look Who’s Talking"?
Who is Bruce Willis
When performing a lockout, what information must be included on your lockout tag.
What is Name, Contact Phone Number and Company Name
Which American rapper released 'U Can't Touch This'?
Who is MC Hammer