General Safety
First Aid
What does OH&S stand for?
Occupational health and safety. Bonus 100 - True or false. A occupation health and safety officer can issue fines for safety violations. True! Residential construction currently receives the highest amount of fines.
True or false - It is best to perform long strokes when moping and sweeping to cover a greater surface over. This makes the job go faster and keep customer happier.
False. Only perform short to medium strokes to avoid strain and ergonomic injuries.
What does CPR stand for?
Cardio Pulminary Resusitation. Bonus 100 - What is the compression to breath ratio? 30:2
what does WHMIS stand for?
Workplace hazardous Material Information System
After water, what are the next two most widely consumed beverages in the world?
Tea & Beer Bonus 100 - What are we making sure of when spotting. Looking for 3 specific things. Eye contact - Clear hand signals - Hazards on the ground
What are three main parts of a workplace label?
1. Product Identifier 2. Precautionary measures 3. Refer to MSDS Bonus 200 - What does carcinogenic mean? Cancer causing. We don't use any harmful products.
Is there a safe work procedure for driving/refueling for our safety manual? Yes or no?
Yes. If you forgot or are unsure, refer to the company safety manual.
What does AED stand for and what is its function?
Automated external defibulator. Used on cardiac arrest patients to revive them.
How many classes and symbols are there? You must get both right to get the points.
6 classes 8 symbols.
Which organ secretes insulin?
Pancreas. Bonus 200 - Who is the oldest man in the Bible - Methuselah
List the steps to eliminate or control a hazard, in order.
Eliminate, engineer, adminstration and PPE. Brad give examples of each Bonus 300 - Define P.A.S.S
S.W.P has two meanings with regards to safety. What are they?
Safe work practices and procedures.
What do the ABC stand for?
Airways, Breathing & circulation. The ABC are always assessed on a first aid patient. Bonus 300 what is the difference bewteen heat exhaustion and heat stroke? Heat exhaustion is usually accompanied by a fever no higher than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, excessive thirst, nausea, fainting, cool and clammy skin, weakness, muscle aches, heavy sweating, slow heartbeat and dizziness. Heatstroke develops much quicker or following heat exhaustion if the condition is not treated. It occurs when the body’s temperature rises and the cooling system stops working. This potentially life-threatening condition is characterized by nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, fatigue, rapid heart rate, hot and dry skin, shortness of breath and decreased urination.
When was WHMIS made law in Alberta?
March 15th 1989 Bonus 300 - When was it made law in Canada? October 31st, 1988
Which country has the longest coastline?
Canada! bonus 300 - The nuclear disaster of Chernobyl happened in which year? - 1986 For another bonus 300 - When is Phase F going LIVE? July 15
What was last shifts, shift focus and monthly focus.
Spotting and Safety VS production. Bonus 400 - BEST describe each topic and the importance. Basically a freebie if you give reasonable answer.
Your about to enter an office to sweep, mop and dust. What are some hazards you would look for?
No wrong answer - Freebie if they name enough
What is the most common type of eye injury on the job? A. Blow to eye B. Scratches C. Chemical irritation D. Light sensitivity
Over 70% of eye injuries are caused by small particles which are then rub by the individual which worsen the injury. Never rub your eye!
Which class has 3 symbols and what are they?
D - Bio hazard - Toxic - Immediate effects/death
With regards to Phase F going live - RED IS ____ ?
DEAD bonus 400 - True or false, 10-12% of the world population is left handed. True
What was direction of force all about?
Tool selection and direction of the tool swing. Bonus 500 - List the 3 types of harrassment - Sexual, verbal and physical. Remember dont take it to far!
It's 9:00am on a Tuesday and the muster horn sounds. List the sequence of steps you would take.
1)Stop work activity and go to nearest muster ensuring you are up wind, why? Stop vehicle if driving and go to muster point. 2)Radio me and give me your man count so I can relay the info. 3)Sit tight until the all clear.
We recently lost a few first aiders due to expiry and lay offs.
Who are the remaining first aiders? Dana, Jackie, Me, Rosemarie, Debra and Rowena.
Name all classes and what they are for 1000.
A - compressed gas B - Flammable C - Oxidizing D - Bio - Toxic - Immediate effect/death E - Corrosive F - Dangerously reactive
Silver is the traditional gift for what numbered wedding anniversary?
25th bonus 500 - Which animal represents the deadly sin of envy? - Snake