What 3 families of instruments do we have in band?
Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion
When you enter the band room, what is(are) the first thing(s) you should look at
The board
Explain a tie in music
a marking that connects two of the same notes
What are three most important things to set in place when you play your instrument
Correct posture, set your embouchure (mouth), stick grip or hand placement, breathing
What instrument does Ms. Hartley mainly play in class?
The Trumpet
The saxophone belongs to which family of instruments?
What is the first thing we play on our instruments?
Explain a slur in music
a marking that connects two different notes
Name the technique that defines the beginning of a note for a woodwind or brass player.
From how many instruments does Ms. Hartley play?
All of them
What instrument family does the electric bass belong to?
The String family
If you are missing music, something is broken, or you need to borrow something from the teacher, when is the best time for you to do these things?
Before class starts
Explain a descrescendo
Gradually get softer in volume
How can you help eachother keep a steady beat?
tap foot quietly to the beat. Watch the conductor
What is Ms. Hartley's main instrument?
The Viola
To maintain most brass instruments, you must do what each week?
Oil Valves
When is the best time to use the restroom when you have band class?
Before you arrive / before class starts
Explain a 1st and 2nd ending
1st time take the first ending, second time take the second ending
Name the technique that tells percussionists which stick to use
How many pets does Ms. Hartley have?
Three cats
In order to get better at anything in band you need to do what?
What behaviour will assist the entire band to have a great rehearsal?
Focus and/or try your best to pay attention and participate throughout class.
Explain Dynamic markings
Markings in your music that tell you when to play loud or soft. (ex: p, mf, f, etc.)
What is the most important way to practice something you're struggling with?
Isolate the difficult bar(s), slow it down, use a metronome, repetition
What was the first instrument Ms. Hartley learned to play?