This candidates made a gaff in 2012 which sparked "binders full of women" memes all across the internet.
Mit Romney
Indiana Jones
The cost of a grain.
Rice Price
The Hummus & Pita Company shocked the world with this hummus based frozen dessert in 2018.
Ice Cream
I'm Michael Barbarro and I host this news podcast from the New York Times.
The Daily
Florida ruined this Democrat in the 2000 election.
Al Gore
Jack Ryan gets swept up in a worldwide conspiracy in the movie Patriot Games, based on a book written by this author.
Righteous chickpea based food.
Lawful Fallafel
In 2018, this current national brand shortened its name to remove a key food, claiming the move would bring "incredible energy" to the company.
Elon Musk got in a lot of trouble with NASA after smoking a blunt on this podcast.
The Joe Rogan Experience
President James Marshall spends this movie taking back this title plane back from terrorists.
Air Force One
Potato crisps eaten on travel.
Trip Chip
This brand, known for various table condiments, committed a war crime by selling Creme Egg Mayo.
This fictional radio show explores the strange going ons of the title city.
Welcome to Night Vale
This independent raised a lot of eyebrows with his 1992 and 1996 runs, gaining the most votes a 3rd party candidate has received in the United States.
Ross Perot
He might be a hero, but he definitely shot first in a 1977 space opera.
Han Solo
Disingenuous ham product.
Fakin' Bacon
This chain brought their customers a life time pasta pass, guaranteeing customers unlimited pasta for life for around $500.
Olive Garden
Revisionist History is hosted by this Canadian writer and thinker, known for his books like The Tipping Point and Outliers.
Malcolm Gladwell
Daily Double
In 1987, this future presidential candidate released a full length album and appeared in the 1988 movie Sweet Hearts Dance, starring Susan Sarandon.
This actor playing former cop Rick Deckard spends his time hunting and killing bio engineered beings in the Blade Runner film.
Harrison Ford
Coffee from an Indian city.
Bombay Latte
This Mexican quick service restaurant brought loyal customers together with the famous footballer Rob Gronkowski over video chat to help relieve quarantine blues.
99% Invisible