Turning the bow of the boat through the wind.
What is a tack?
The point of sail you have learned.
Beam reach.
The front of the boat
Where is the bow?
The sail that attaches to the boom and mast.
What is the main sail?
The sail and boom is flapping in the middle of boat, we do not want and cannot sail in this point.
The course you have gone around while sailing on a beam reach, tacking on both ends
figure of 8 course
The back of the boat
Where is the stern?
The bottom of the sail, by the boom.
What is the foot?
The first point of sail that you are taught when learning to sail
Beam Reach
They are 2 strings on both sides of the sail
What are Tel-Tales?
How far out does our sail need to be on a beam reach?
halfway out
What is the mainsheet?
The top of the sail.
What is the head?
The fastest point of sail.
Training Run but can be a broad reach
The front sail on your double hander 420 boat or single hander
What is the jib ?
When do you have to jab the tiller towards you in the push push pull pull method?
How to get out of irons
It can go up and down, placed in the center of the boat, and makes sure the boat does not drift while sailing.
What is the centerboard/daggerboard?
The part of the sail that goes along the mast.
Your sail is all the way IN, what point of sail are we on
Close Hauled/upwind
When you're sailing too close to the wind and our sail becomes unhappy
What is pinching?
Steps of tacking
look around, face forwards, back foot across, push away, step across with back foot, tiller in the middle, sit down, switch hands.
It steers the boat. Push it away and your boat turns into the wind, pull it towards you and the boat turns away from the wind.
What is the tiller/rudder
The edge of the sail that is closest to the back of the boat.
What is the leech?
What do we call the action of steering away from wind?
bearing away