What two people were friends and later became saints
Saint Basil and Saint Gregory
TRUE or FALSE: St. Gregory did NOT come from a holy family.
FALSE: St. Gregory came from a holy family.
330 AD
The reliquary chapel in the Basilica
The Holy Trinity.
True of False: Both of St. Basil's parents were Saints
Both Saints came from what type of families?
HOLY Families
St. Gregory was a brilliant thinker and ______.
How many siblings did St. Basil have?
Both Saints were ________ of the Church
TRUE or FALSE: St. Gregory was ordained a Bishop by Bishop Thomas Aquinas.
FALSE: He was ordained a Bishop by St. Basil
St. Basil was a Priest, Monk, and Bishop
Both Saints helped the Church understand the Trinity and ______
Jesus' Divinity
What were 2 of St. Gregory's most famous miracles he performed?
Stopping the raging Lycus River with his staff, and drying up a lake to settle an argument
St. Basil was known for helping people who were _____.
Starving or had very little food.