One of the earliest recorded acts of kindness of St. Nicholas, he provided three bags of ________ to prevent a neighbor's three daughters from entering into prostitution.
We cry out to you: Pray to Christ our _______ that our souls be saved.
What was the name of the Emperor who called the Council of Nicea?
Emperor Constantine
When St. Nicholas was still a young boy, what happened to his parents?
His parents died (a plague)
While he certainly cared for the elderly, Saint Nicholas is most widely recognized as the patron saint of ________.
St. Nicholas reposed in the year _______
344 A.D.
You were revealed to your flock as a measure of ________.
The Council of Nicea took place in what year?
325 A.D.
Where was St. Nicholas born?
Patara in Lycia (modern-day Turkey)
Because of how much he excelled in his education, St. Nicholas is recognized as the patron saint of ________.
The nickname "___________" was first given to St. Nicholas by a group of sailors after Saint Nicholas prayed for a treacherous storm to calm and it subsided.
Because of your poverty, ________ riches were granted to you.
When members of the Council denied the full divinity of Christ, what did Saint Nicholas do?
He slapped a man (by tradition, Arius himself) out of righteous anger
What year (approximately) was Saint Nicholas born?
Around 275 A.D. (3rd century)
If the work you do is considered nautical, asking for the intercessions of Saint Nicholas would be very helpful because he is the patron saint of ________.
St. Spyridon
Because of your humble life, ________ was opened to you.
How many bishops were present at the Council of Nicea?
What was the name of the person who ordained St. Nicholas a priest when he was still a teenager?
His uncle, Archbishop Nicholas
St. Nicholas is the patron saint of _______, otherwise known as people who offer items for trade or sale.
The remains of Saint Nicholas who moved to ______, ________ during the Crusades in 1087 so that they wouldn't be stolen.
Bari, Italy
You were the image of humility and a teacher of _________.
The Council of Nicea was called primarily in response to a growing sect of Christianity that stated that Jesus was created by God and not God. This early Christian heresy was known as ________.
Christians were being imprisoned, persecuted, and killed during the reign of Emperor Diocletian who demanded that everyone worship him as a god.
Oddly enough, based on a story of St. Nicholas performing a miracle of raising three boys from the dead who were in a barrel, over time this association with the barrel began to be misunderstand. For this reason, many people, especially during medieval times, began to recognize St. Nicholas as the patron saint of _________.
Brewers (people that make beer)