What does she represent?
When is her feast day?
February 8
When was her feast day?
February 11
What age was she when her mom died?
She was 7 years old
When is his feast day?
February 3
Where can you find Saint Valentines skull at?
You can find Saint Valentine skull in Rome
What year was she born in?
Why did she die?
Physical suffering due to her chronic poor health
Where was she born?
She was born in Laviano, Tuscany
What is he the patron saint of?
He is the patron saint of throat illnesses, animals, wool combers, and wool trading
Are there many other Saint Valentine's?
Yes there are many other Saint Valentine's
When was she canonized?
October 1, 2000
where was the most famous apparitions?
It was in Southern France
How did she find out that Arsenio got murdered?
Arsenio's dog led her to his dead body.
When did he die?
What do people call Saint Valentine for?
People call Saint Valentine for watch over the lives of lovers, of course, but also for interventions regarding beekeeping and epilepsy, as well as the plague, fainting and traveling.
Who was she canonized by?
Pope John Paul II
Where did she pray?
She prayed in a rosary
Was her step- mom nice to her?
No her step mom treated her very bad.
What was he the bishop of?
Saint Blaise was the bishop of Sebastea
When was his true identity questioned
His true identity was questioned in 496 A.D
When was she beatified?
May 17, 1992
When was Bernadette was permitted to return to the grotto?
On February 14
What congregation did she found?
She founded a congregation of tertiary sisters
What else was he besides a bishop?
He was also a doctor.