How many stations of the cross are there?
What is 14?
Jesus was NOT born in Bethlehem? True or False?
What is False?
"Our father who_____________."
What is art in heaven?
What is Jesus' first miracle?
What is water into wine?
How many categories of the mysteries of the rosaries are there?
What are 4 categories?
Who helped Jesus carry the cross
Who is Simon?
Jonah got eaten by a shark. True or False?
What is false
"For God so loved________."
What is the world?
How many miracles did Jesus perform?
What is 37 miracles?
What day of the week do we read the joyful mystery?
What is Monday and Saturday?
At which Station do we remember Jesus dying on the cross?
What is 12th station?
Mary met Jesus on the Way of the Cross, and was here when He died. True or False?
What is true?
"__________ Emmanuel!!"
What is Rejoice Rejoice?
Who did Jesus heal?
Who are the blind, the deaf, the sick, and children?
Which mystery did the annunciation of the archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin?
(BONUS: is it the first first mystery, second mystery, third mystery, fourth mystery, or fifth mystery of the rosary?)
What is The First Joyful Mystery?
Who condemned Jesus to death?
Who is Pontius Pilate?
There are at least 126 saints and blesseds named John. True or False?
What is true?
"Peace comes________."
What is from within?
Jesus turned clay into?
What are birds?
How many beads are in the rosary?
What is 59?
Whom did Jesus comfort along the way?
What are his disciples
God told Noah to build his ark, "300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 50 cubits high". True or False?
What is false?
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is ______".
What is light?
Which brother did Jesus cure from a snake bite?
Who is James?
What is the meaning of The Glorious Mystery:
a) a set of five events in the Catholic tradition that focus on the joyous moments surrounding the birth and early life of Jesus Christ.
b) a set of events in the life of Jesus Christ that highlight his divine light and teachings.
c) we not only see the beautiful glory of God, but we see the incredible dream that God has for each one of us.
d) a set of meditations within the Catholic Rosary that focus on the painful events leading up to Jesus' death on the cross.
What is c?