What was St. Valentine's profession? (Main saint valentine)
A bishop
What is she the patron of?
Who saw Our Lady of Lourdes?
St. Bernadette
Where was she born?
Tuscany, Laviano
What was one of his professions?
What is one thing St. Valentine is the patron of?
Beekeepers, epilipsey, couples, plague, traveling, etc. (search up if not on list)
Where was she forced to walk?
El Obeid
What is our Lady of Lourdes?
An apparition
Why did she go to live with arsenio?
What is he the patron of?
Animals, Throat illnesses, wood trading, and wool combers.
How many saint valentines do we think there are?
About 12
What was one of the most traumatic experiences for her?
Being beaten as a child my a slave master
Where is the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes located?
Lourdes, France
How did Margaret respond to her lover dying?
Why was he famous?
He healed many creatures and people.
Where is St. Valentine's skull?
Cosmedin, Rome. (Extra points if you answer Basilica)
When was she baptized?
1890 (January 9)
What happened to St. Bernadette?
She died at an early age. She was also treated like a criminal because people thought she was lying.
What is her feast day?
February 22.
Why was he killed?
He would not say he wasn't catholic
Who (Most likely) invented Valentine's Day?
Geoffry Chaffuer
What were her last words?
"Our lady, our lady!"
When did this appear?
When was she canonized?
What is one of his nicknames, popularized in Germany?
Saint Blasius