If the copier is out of paper who should fill it
Who is everyone
This type of guest travels independently and is not part of a group
What is a transient guest
A group looking to book an event within 5 business days is called this
What is a Pop-Up group
Someone does an outstanding action and you want to recognize them
What is fish card
The sales team is made up of how many people
What is 7
This person receives the package when a group contact sends one to the hotel
Who is Lara
Sales uses this document to communicate group room information to the rest of the hotel
What is a group resume
The term "BEO" stands for this
What is a Banquet Event Order
An inquiry comes in on the weekend when no sales staff is here
What is a front desk inquiry form
This term is used if a group needs assistance with luggage
What is porterge
If someone comes in to inquire about a wedding room block who should handle the room block
Who is Toni?
This type of guest stays at the hotel for more than 30 days
What is an extended stay
A group needs this if they have one laptop but multiple projectors in one room
What is a splitter
A group doesn't provide lunch for their guests but wants to give them to option to eat onsite. Banquets provides them with this
What is a Petals Preorder form
This is the cost of renting the Concierge Lounge
What is $450.00 / night
Distributes the beo ten day
Who is Sandy?
A guest uses this to book their reservation online
What is an OTA or Online Travel Agent
Groups are not permitted to bring this in to be displayed on any tables
What is confetti
What is no outside food and beverage
The sales team uses this method of sales to solicit business face to face
What is a sales blitz
What is outside sales
The person who handles groups of 50 people or less
Who is Kelsey
The hotel has this many Executive Guestrooms
What is 25
The "BEO 10-Day" Covers events in this many upcoming days
A group requests the privilege of having their bill sent to them for payment in 30 days following the event
What is direct billing
This tool is used by the sales team to reach thousands of guests at once via email
What is Constant Contact