The argument that states that there is not a divine Creator of the universe
What is the Big Bang Theory?
The total number of books the Bible contains
What is 66?
The youngest of eight brothers, a shepherd boy, small in stature, and had unshakable faith in God
Who is David?
The reason that Daniel was sentenced to be throw into the lion’s den
What is he did not stop praying to God, despite the new law that was put into place?
The king's punishment to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
What is they were thrown into a blazing fire/furnace?
If this was any stronger or weaker, the whole universe would collapse
What is gravity?
The ridiculous religions we listed that people actually follow
What is Pastafarianism, Presleyterianism, and Jediism?
Nine feet tall, wore strong bronze armor, a soldier in the Philistine army, and taunted David's God
Who is Goliath?
Daniel prayed to God this many times a day
What is three?
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to do this and were punished for it
What is bow down and worship a golden statue of Nebuchadnezzar?
The encoded language God put into all of us to make everyone unique (Ex. Hair/eye colors)
What is our DNA?
All religions can't be true because...
What is they make conflicting claims?
The weapon that David used to kill Goliath
What is a slingshot?
This happened to the officials that plotted against Daniel
What is they were thrown into the lion's den instead?
Nebuchadnezzar did this after he saw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walk out of the fire unharmed
What is praise God?
The idea that the universe was created in exactly the right way to allow human life, and therefore there must be a Creator
What is the Anthropic Principle?
The Quran's beliefs on how people of different religions should be treated, especially Christians
What is to kill all non-beleivers?
The deal Goliath made if he defeated/was defeated by anyone in battle
What is the loser and his people will become the subjects of the winner?
King Darius spent his night doing this while Daniel was in the lions den
What is spent his night restless and worrying about Daniel?
The king described the fourth man in the furnace as this
What is "like the Son of God", or "like a son of the gods"?
The Kalam Argument
What is the argument that states that everything that has a beginning has a cause?
Job 26:8 describes this natural process of water long before it was proven to be correct
What is the water cycle?
The army that Goliath was a part of that threatened David's people
What is the Philistine Army?
The reason the lions were unable to eat/kill Daniel
What is the angel protecting Daniel shut the lions mouths?
The dimensions of the golden statue
What is sixty cubits (ninety feet) high and six cubits (nine feet) wide?