What was the address of the Bluebell house?
What portion of a year could Gregg get through by wearing a different Cleveland sports article of clothing (both tops and bottoms)?
the entire year
What would G-Minnie take from restaurants?
sugar packets, ketchup packets
Who had a cameo in the Space Jam reboot?
David and Aaron
Where was Papa and GJ's first date?
A hayride
What was the rooming situation at the Bluebell house?
Papa/GJ, Steven, Danny, Trudy/Stacey
Which family members were cheerleaders or majorettes?
Trudy, Stacey, Ashley, Jessie, Abby
Which great grandchild doesn't like french fries or ketchup?
Who in this family has run a half marathon, a marathon and done triathlons?
Name the twins in the family
Steven, Stacey, Zac, Jared, Dana
What was the home phone number to the Blubell house?
What sports did the siblings play in HS?
Danny - XC, track, soccer
Steven - tennis and soccer
Trudy - majorette
Stacey - majorette
Which great grandchild shares Papa Burt's love for Hunan by the Falls?
Who is the yo yo King?
What departments did Judy primarily work in when she worked at Dave's?
The Deli and Bakery (mostly at the Harvard store)
Where are the two destinations that the original 6 went on trips growing up?
Cedar Point, Niagara Falls
What sport did Papa and GJ play together?
Who in this family has eaten a pint of Ben and Jerry's Netflix and Chilled icecream every single night before bed this year?
Who in this family can play the guitar?
Brian and Eden
Which Saltzmans had their weddings or bar/bat mitzvahs at Landerhaven?
Ashley (bat), Jessie (bat), Stacey/Bill (wedding), Abby/Ian (wedding)
When Burt and Judy travelled, where did the kids stay?
Trudy and Danny went to Aunt Gails, Steven and Stacey went to Brodskys
Name the college athletes in the room and what they played
Steven - Lacrosse
John - lacrosse
Bill - baseball
Ian - football
Matt - XC and track
Who in this family faked a peanut allergy?
Who made it to nationals in steeplechase in the junior olympics?
What was the name of the store that GJ owned with her friends?
The Potpourri Gift Shop