Where was Jesus born?
How many Apostles were there?
What is a vocation?
It is a specific life in which we are called to love and serve God.
Who is able to provide the sacraments to the faithful?
The priest
What was Blessed Solanus Casey known for?
Where was Jesus crucified?
How did Judas betray Jesus?
He betrayed him with a kiss.
How do we figure out what is our vocation?
Where do we see Holy Communion in the Bible?
The Last Supper
St. Joseph was the _______ father of Jesus.
In what river was Jesus baptized and who baptized him?
1. Jordan
2. John the Baptist
Who was the only apostle not to be martyred, and where was he exiled to?
1.) John
2.) Patmos
Which vocation is the most important?
All the same.
What happens through the rite of baptism? (Spiritually)
(two answers)
1. One becomes a child of God
2. You are forgiven of all your sins.
Blessed Solanus Casey was a _______ priest.
Who sentenced Jesus to death?
Pontius Pilate
After Peter receiving the Keys to Heaven, this made him the first ________.
What are the three vocations in life?
1. Marriage
2. Religious life
3. Priesthood
Where is Confirmation found in the Bible?
Joseph fled to where with the child Jesus and Mary?
Where did Jesus perform his first public miracle?
the wedding at Cana
In response to sin what is the difference between Peter and Judas?
Peter sought forgiveness, but Judas fell into despair and ended his life.
What is the process called when figuring out your vocation?
Name the 7 sacraments.
Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy communion, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.
What is the process called when someone is declared a saint by the Church?