What is the Book in the Bible that starts Creation.
Who is Abraham married to?
Who was Jacob's favourite son?
How did Moses end up in a Pharoah's household?
His mom hid him in a basket on the Nile River to save him from Pharaoh's order to kill all newborn Hebrew males.
Who was the first king of Israel?
How long did it take God to create everything?
6 Days
What was the promise that God made to Abraham?
That he would have many descendants.
What did Joseph's brothers do to get rid of him?
They threw him in a well and then sold him into slavery.
How did God first call Moses to set his people free?
By speaking to him through a burning bush.
Who anointed David as the second king of Israel?
Why is God more pleased with Abel's offering?
Abel gave God the best part of his flock, while Cain only gave God some crops.
Why did God want Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac?
He was testing Abraham's faith
How did Joseph end up coming out of slavery?
He could interpret Pharoah's dreams so he put him in charge of everything.
Where did the Israelites right after Pharoah let them leave Egypt?
The Desert
What was David known for?
Killing Goliath
Why did God banish Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden?
They disobeyed God by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Why did God save Noah and his family?
He was a righteous man.
How did the Israelites end up in Egypt?
They came for food because there was a famine in Canaan.
The Ten Commandments
Who was the third king of Israel?
Who were the children of Adam and Eve (3)?
Cain, Abel and Seth
Who was Jacob's father?
How long did the Israelites end up staying in Egypt?
400 years
Who becomes the new leader of the Israelites after Moses dies?
What was the Solomon known for?
Asking for Wisdom