one of the earliest forms of religious traditions, this was the worship of many gods.
the word BIBLE literally means this.
the books
from the Latin meaning, to hand down, or to hand something over.
these are the original three languages of the Old Testament
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
name all three of the Jewish Patriarchs.
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel
we said that this act was the essence of ancient polytheistic religions. without this, the old worship of the old gods died. Christians outlawed it when they came to power in the Roman Empire.
Animal Sacrifice
these are the two ways in Christianity that God has revealed who/what God is to us. what are they? (your answer must have both)
the Bible and by Jesus Christ
the idea is that the teachings of Christ and his Holy Apostles have been preserved for the church in the scripture (Bible), which is also known as this.
the Deposit of Faith
we mentioned that the Deuteronomical History of Israel is not "modern history". it is a theological work that uses this book of the Torah to decide if any character outlined is godly or not. what book is it?
this is the "measuring rod" for how the church knows which books should or should not be included in the Bible.
canon or canonization
in our study, we learned that this book was the earliest reference to the Flood account, including an Ark, and a hero taking in animals to save them from the disaster. what is the book called?
the Epic of Gilgamesh
this is the idea that God communicates God by actions and words over time, but most fully by sending us his own son, Jesus Christ to reveal God to us. as opposed to a general idea of the divine, this one is more specific - believed to be given by God alone.
Special Revelation
Protestant Christians argue that the Bible, and the Bible alone, is the only standard of authority for the church. what is this called?
Sola Scriptura
this theory argues that the Torah was written not by Moses, as suggested by tradition, but 4-independent sources that were later edited together. what is this called?
the Documentary Hypothesis
we mentioned that in Israel's deuteronomic history, the kingdom split in two after King Solomon. what was the name of the Southern Kingdom that eventually fell to the Babylonians?
the Kingdom of Judah
the idea that creation shows evidence of the divine work and proof that there must be a god or gods.
General Revelation
it is inspired by God
the concise statements of faith that show exactly what a group of Christians might believe about various subjects or practices.
creeds and confessions
this type of prophetic writings speak of God overturning the current of age of wickedness towards an age of righteousness - through the Messiah. their are examples of this inside and outside the Bible.
Apocalyptic Literature
one of the oldest manuscript copies for the Old Testament isn’t written in Hebrew or Aramaic, but is a translation into Greek. what is this called?
the Septuagint or LXX
examples of this religious tradition are seen in various mythologies: such as a god of wind, a god of the death, a god of love, a god of the sea. this was pretty typical for ancient polytheism. what is this called?
making gods of natural forces
this is what we call the original writings, penned by the original author's hand. those from the Bible have been lost to time.
Original Autographs
this is the voice of the unified tradition for the Roman Catholic Church - the input and arguments and collected voice of Theologians, Doctors and Clergy since the beginning.
the Magisterium
these were Jewish books claiming to be written by a particular author to lend it a weight of authority. most were rejected from becoming part of the Hebrew Bible.