Class Mottos
It's everyday Bro
(our top 5)
Help me, Help you by following the School Rules
Team work makes the dream work
Student Support
Hi, its me

What does "Celebrate the small moments" mean?

Our jobs are stressful! It is important for us and our students to make sure that we celebrate every small victory and moment!


What is a re-inforcement system used to help our students stay focused and motivated. They go with the students everywhere!

Token board


What is the policy for phones?

No phones at all while students are here. Immediate write up for you and me. 


What do you do if there is a problem on your student's bus (no harness, no aide but needs one, behavior on the bus etc)?

If Ty is outside and near your bus, let him know. If not let Teacher or Head Assistant know ASAP. 

What prompt level should we be striving to use the most?

Gestural prompting and very limited verbal prompting. Imagine your mom talking at you all day long every 2 minutes telling you what to do and not stopping. Super annoying and you probably wouldn't listen anyway!


What is the your favorite vacation?

Double jeopardy: What is my favorite vacation?


Any cruise that I have been on 


What does "Behavior is Communication" mean?

All behavior, whether it be appropriate or inappropriate, is our students way of communicating something to us. 


What is our data collection method that helps us implement and analyze how our students are progressing through their IEP goals. 


Where can you NOT park?

On the street, NB


I need help with re-think. I don't understand a program or I need materials to run a program. 

Let the Teacher or Head Assistant know in the Morning or Afternoon prep time. 


What is the difference between RBT call and Student Support?

RBT: Student is showing brewing signs, not in a full behavior yet (Team will walk)

Student support: Student is in a full behavior and there is a safety concern for student or staff (Team will run)


What is your favorite food?

Double jeopardy: What is my favorite food?




What does "Flexible Structure" mean

Providing consistent, predictable, structure with clear goals for the students but being flexible in how we reach those goals based on individual student needs. Example: If peter is going to work, he has to go (consistente predictable structure) but he can have a minute before he goes or he can work on the floor (flexibility)


What is a schedule that is made by our OT department to help our students with self-regulation. It can include movement, midline work, and special seating or equipment. These will be on the student desks to follow easily. 

Sensory Diet


What should you do with your email and gramon website passwords?

Write them down


There is an event where your student's guardian is attending. They ask you questions about the classroom or their student during the school day, what do you do?

Re-direct them to asking the Teacher or let them know you will have the classroom Teacher reach out to them. 


What is the walkie call for the nurse, not an emergency if you are in class?

What is the walkie call for the nurse, it is an emergency if you are in class?

What is the walkie call for an RBT if you are in the cafeteria?

What is the walkie call for student support if you are on the playground?

What is the walkie call for coverage for the classroom?

- Nurse to Class 7 for Sam

- Nurse to Class 7 for Sam, Emergency

- RBT to the cafeteria for Sam

- Student support to the playground for Sam

- Coverage to to Class 7


What do you like to do outside of work?

Double jeopardy: What are 2 of my hobbies?


Reading, running, working out, photography, traveling


What does "Rotation builds flexibility & independence" mean?

Rotating is a very important tool to use with our students. It gives us a much needed break, gives them a break while getting them used to following directions from multiple adults. It also helps them build independence for our students because it provides a natural generalization to how each person works. 


What is a routine that takes place in the morning to help our students build independence for important life skills. 



What time do you need to be in the classroom in the morning? 

8:05, no later


You are burnt out, stressed, un-happy in the classroom or with your student, what should you do?

Pull the classroom Teacher aside for a check-in! I am here to help YOU and will do anything in my power to help you!


What are some of our important classroom procedures?

1. Students line up in order every time we transition (to gym, lunch, recess, field trip)

2. Students unpack their backpack and put their folder in the grade bin

3. Students clean their desks with water spray after eating at their desk or in the lunch room

4. Student pack up at the end of the day

5. Students bring token board and talkers everywhere they go


What is your drink of choice?

Double jeopardy: What is my drink of choice?


Coffee, water, wine


What does "Productive struggle" mean?

When we step back to let the students live in a zone of healthy struggle. Let them problem solve and work through things while they are safe and comfortable.


What is a voice for our students who are non-verbal. We need to be sure to model how to use it so that our students can feel confident expressing themselves. They go with the students everywhere!

AAC device, ASL, Communication board


When do you submit a PTO day?

What do you do if you have to call out?

PTO: 4 days in advance put in on paylocity and wait for it to be approved

Call out: call out using the app (make sure to put the correct school) or by calling and leaving a message --> do not put in paylocity


The Classroom Teacher is out for a meeting, IEP, dealing with a behavior, or out of the building. What should you do?

Listen to the directions from the Head Assistant, follow the schedule, keep the classroom procedures and routines that are in place. 


What are our 8 of our 10 ASL signs? 

Help, break, eat, drink/water, stop, bathroom, yes, no, more, go


What is your favorite color?

Double jeopardy: What is my favorite color?


Green, purple, black
