Every seventh name is called from a list of cooks.
A nurse asks patients who bought the new wheel chair if they like the colours of the chairs. What is the population?
Patients who bought the wheel chair.
The entire group being studied.
What colour will Ms. Greenlaw's shirt be on Wednesday?
Citizens write a question on a slip of paper and put it in a hat. The mayor draws a question to discuss.
Random Sampling
A Bunnings manager asks the last 5 people that used a new mower if they liked it. What is the sample?
The last 5 people who used the new mower.
The sub group who is actually being surveyed.
What is 8 x 9?
We survey 10% of the students randomly selected from each of grades 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Students measure their foot length with a ruler, starting at the edge of the ruler (before 0cm). What kind of bias is this?
Measurement bias
An issue with a survey or data collection resulting in skewed results?
True or False: Bananas are berries, but strawberries are not.
A radio show is doing a phone in survey to find out is listeners support a change to daylight savings.
Self-selected/Voluntary Sample
The real-estate agent asks the first 5 couples if they were interested in the house after an open house. What is the population and sample?
Population: all couples who went to the open house; Sample: the 5 couples s/he asked.
Every nth member of the population is selected.
Systematic Sampling
What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel
A potato chip factory wants to ensure quality control. Instead of randomly selecting bags, the inspectors choose every 75th bag from each production shift (morning, afternoon, and night) to check for weight and seasoning consistency.
What is a stratified systematic sample?
The principal asked the first 10 students who entered the school if they liked school. What is the possible bias?
Possible Bias: The first students who entered the school are more likely to like school.
Type of sampling at random from sub groups.
Stratified Sampling
You’re lost in the forest. Which direction should you look for moss on trees?
The North side