What was Samsons dads name? (Hint: Begins with the letter 'M')
What book in the bible is the story of Samson found in?
Jueces/ Judges
Samson couldn't do what to his hair?
Cut his hair
what animal did Samson encounter?
A lion
What was the name of Esthers cousin?
Samsons mom couldn't have ___, what was the name of this?
Children/ Esteril or infertil
What chapters have we covered so far?
Chapters 13 and 14
Samson was known to have what?
Inside of the dead animal was what?
enjambre de abejas y panal de miel
Whats the color and name of my water bottle
Owala ; white and gray
Who came to visit Samsons mom?
The angle of God
Samson was part of what country?
Samson was going to be what from birth?
Nazareo a Dios
After encountering the animal, Samson did something he wasn't supposed to do. What did he do and why wasn't he supposed to do it?
he ate the miel inside of the lion, he wasn't supposed to this because he couldn't eat cosas inmundas
Whats the name of the school I go to
When the angel comes to give the explanations, Manoa wants to what?
Honor the angel, and by offering a goat(cabra)
Where did Samson go with his new wife?
un banquete/ banquet
Samson's mother couldn't consume what
No vino, no sidra, ni cosa inmunda
When the filisteos answered Samsons riddle correctly, what came down and what did it do?
El Espiritu de Jehova, and it killed 30 filisteos
What month did you guys do the play of Esther?
Monoa believes that seeing the angels of God means what
They'll die because they've seen him
Where was Samson descending to with his parents
Una viƱa/ vineyard
Samson was known to love or have a weak spot for?
Cual fue el enjambre or the riddle Samson gave the filisteos? Extra: what did it signify or represent
"del devorador salio comida y del fuerte salio dulzura" / "Out of the eater came something to eat and out of the strong came something sweet"
Extra: The encounter Samson had with the lion
Who did Hna Marelyn (aka my sister) preach about in October ?
Daniel, Shedraq, Meshaq, and Abednego