What year was Champlain born?
What is 1574
What does Quebec stand for?
What is where the river narrows
When was Champlain's first voyage?
What is 1603
What other name was Champlain known as?
What is Father of New France
How old was Champlain's wife when they married?
What is 12
What is a stroke
What was the main religion of New France?
What is Catholicism
How many trips did Champlain make across the Atlantic?
What is 21-29
What king did Champlain explore under?
What is King Henry IV
What religion was Champlain?
What is Catholic
What was Champlain's wife name?
What is Helene Boulle
What was the purpose of Quebec?
What is a trading post
Navigator, cartographer, draftsman, soldier, geographer, ethnologist, diplomat, chronicler, sailor
Who did Champlain trade, fight, and have an alliance with?
What is Algonquin/Anishinaabe, Huron/Wendat and Montagnais/Innu
Champlain was the formal governor of New France T/F
What is false
How old was Champlain when he died?
What is 68
What killed most of Champlain's men in their first settlement?
What is a harsh winter
What disease was the most prominent on his voyages?
What is scurvy
How many chiefs did Champlain kill with a single shot?
What is two
What does Champlain's last name stand for?
What is someone who lived by a flat field
What is Marguerite Le Roy and Antoine Champlain
How many people were left after the first winter?
What is 9
Name one of the main ships Champlain used for his voyages
What is the Don de Dieu and St. Julien
Name one geological feature names after Champlain
What is Lake Champlain, Champlain Valley, Champlain Trail Lakes, and Champlain Provincial Park
What does Don de Dieu mean in English?
What is Gift of God