The first chapter and book that speaks of Samuel the Lamanite
What is "Helaman 13"
The number of years between Samuel preaching and the sign of the birth.
What is 5?
The first sign of Christ's death
What is "the sun shall be darkened"?
The positive intention behind Samuel's prophecies.
What is "the intent that whosoever will believe might be saved"? (Helaman 14:29)
The book and chapter that gives the signs of Jesus's birth
What is Helaman 14
The sign on the night before Christ's birth
What is a day, and a night, and a day without darkness?
The second sign of, Samuel mentions regarding the death of Christ.
What is "the moon and the stars" shall be darkened and there "shall be no light upon the face of the earth"?
"That whosoever will not believe, a righteous judgment might come upon them; and to bring upon themselves their own condemnation."
What is the negative consequence of hearing Samuel's prophecies? (Helaman. 14:29)
The book and chapter that gives the signs of Jesus' death
What is Helaman 14
The sign following Christ's birth.
What is a new start arising?
The duration of the signs.
What is "three days"?
Samuel's plea to the people and prayer to the Lord.
What are these words: "And I pray that the anger of the Lord be turned away from you, and that ye would repent and be saved."
The city that Samuel was preaching in.
What is Zarahemla?
This is not all.
What is "many signs and wonders in heaven"?
The consequences for the land around the Nephites at the time of Christ's death.
What is "thunderings, lightnings," earthquakes, rocks breaking, tempests, landscape reversals, and desolation of cities?
The person to whom the converted people of the multitude go for further guidance and baptism.
Who is Nephi (brother of Lehi)?
The name of the people who controlled the city where Samuel was preaching.
What is "The Lamanites"?
- Be amazed
- Wonder
- Insomuch that falling to the earth will happen.
The sign regarding the dead Saints at the time of Christ's death
What is "many graves shall be opened and yield up many of their dead"?
This "bringeth [people] back into the presence of the Lord."