fun facts

what was the Katana

The Katana was a sword that had a slight curve on it. This was the samurai close range weapon


what is Bushido

This is the code that samurai had to follow


What is the Kimono

This was traditional clothing for the samurai


who were the Heian period samurai

These were early time samurai that had very basicx weapons and armor



Hierarchy of Japan during edo period


What was Naginata

This was a long sick with a blade on the end this was good for medium range when you don't want to get to close


What is GI

This means integrity.Warriors are taught to make full commitment to decisions


What was kote

This was a part if your sleeve tat had armor on it so it may defend a little bit of force


 What was the Heian era

this is when distinct warrior classes arose in Japan


LIfe span of warriors/people in Japan


What was the Yumi

The Yumi was a piece of bamb with a rope or string to pull back a bow. This was a basically a bow and arrow but a very old one and different design


What does RIE Mean

This means Respect. Japanese Warriors are told to respect each other and honor each other


What is a Kabuto

This was a traditional Samurai clothing


what is the Kamakura Era 

Shoguns had control over the military during this time


population of Japan


what is a Kama

A is a stick with a horizontal blade that is usually usually comes in pairs of two


What is Yu

This means heroic courage. This means to be intelligent and strong



What is sode

This is a type of armor for the arm or like an arm shield


what was the Muromachi Era 

This was when the shogun lost some power over there samurai


The average day of a samurai

Samurai got 2 meals a day.

They got 8 hours of sleep.

They weren't allowed to eat unhealthy so there diet consisted of healthy food such as miso soup, fish and vegetables. this allowed them to stay fit and in peak physical condition to fight

7:00am: He wakes up.  Then he ties his hair in a topknot, get dressed, and rolls his bed mat away neatly.
7:30am:  He will have breakfast with his family.  They usually eat rice and pickled vegetables.
8:00am:  He makes his way through the city, to the castle.
9:00am:  He goes on patrol with other low class samurai to guard the walls of the castle.
1:00pm:  After lunch, the samurai has fitness training.  They practice fighting with swords with expert teachers.
3:00pm:  He will leave the castle to go and visit the local craftsman. The craftsman usually mends armor for the samurai.
4:00pm:  He takes a bath in a hot-spring.
5:00pm:  Now that he is clean, he can visit the Buddhist temple to pray.
8:00pm:  He has dinner with the other samurai, and eat rice, soup, and fish.
10:00pm:  Guarding is over, he has some rice and wine with his other samurai friends.

11:00pm:  It is time to go home.  His wife greets him and tells what they did during the day.
12:00pm (midnight):  It is bedtime, but he meditates before he sleeps.


What is the CHIGIRIKI

This is the Japanese version of the mace or the bat with chain and a metal object that is flinging around


What is Meiyo

This is Honer this is to do all tasks with honer 


What is kuwagata 

kuwagata is a head plate that usually symbolizes something


What was edo period samarai

This is the samurai that you see in movies this is when there was a social structure and Samurai were pretty high on the chart


were there female samurai

even though Samurai is a masculine term there were still females that fought along side the samurai and brought great honor to there house hold 