Brown Is Hardly the Most Transparent Color
Let's Make a Deal
The Fairest of All
Council Says What?
Move for Disorder

A work stoppage, crippling activity, or other activity that severely impairs public health, safety, or both, as determined by a majority of the members of the legislative body

What is an "emergency" that allows an agency to call a meeting on less than 24-hours notice.


It used to be 8, but now it's 4 (sort-of)

What is number of steps in the FPPC's conflict of interest analysis?


Common law bias

What is the type of bias that may exist even if no FPPC regulations or 1090 violations exist?


One proper response to councilmember who wants to agree to give the City Manager a raise during a closed session on the City Manager's performance review

What is "Any action on an executive's compensation can only be taken in open session at a regular meeting for an agendized item"?


Rosenberg's Rules

An alternative to Robert's Rules of Order.


Called so the legislative body can discuss only discrete items on the agenda and subject to 24-hour posting requirements

What is a special meeting?


A lifetime ban on holding elected office. 

What is the consequence for violating the rules against contracting with your own agency?


The Rule of Necessity

What is the rule to follow when so many legislators are conflicted out of a decision that the body no longer has a quorum?  

As of November 11, 2018, for the mid-term elections, this number was 99, though some suspect it might go still higher

What is the number of women elected to the House of Representatives?


A special motion that must be made (1) at the same meeting or the very next meeting after an item is considered and decided, and (2) only by a member of the majority on the original motion.

What is a motion for reconsideration?


A series of communications between a majority of a legislative body held via intermediaries

What is a serial meeting


Hollis Mulwray

Who is the head of LADWP in the movie Chinatown?


Sabey counsel

Who is an attorney that advises a decision-making body in a contested matter that is from a different firm than the attorneys who represented the agency in the underlying dispute (e.g. appeal of employee discipline)?


Shut off the public comment microphone during a public speaker's alloted three minutes while the person is speaking

What is something the Council should not do except for in the most extreme of circumstances?


Call for the question

What is an attempt to cut off or limit debate and requires a 2/3 vote of the body to pass?


30 days

What is the time a legislative body has to cure an alleged Brown Act violation?


The three steps a local legislator must do when she has a disqualifying conflict of interest

What is (1) publicly identify the interest: (2) recuse herself; and (3) leave the room?


"The FPPC rules regarding conflicts are complicated and analysis of that question would take more time to analyze fully. If folks would like to continue this item, I can evaluate the question before the next meeting. Otherwise, to be safe, I would recommend you recuse yourself."

What is the most prudent advice to give when asked about an FPPC conflict during or immediately before a meeting?


The answer to a question from a council member about whether he can agree to pay a property owner's assessment within a BID if the owner supports the BID

What is "no?"


Clear the room

What is the last resort when order in a meeting cannot be restored or maintained?  


Who is Mike Harris, the San Francisco Chronicle reporter whose 10-part expose on "Your Secret Government" led to the Brown Act?


An official authorizes or directs any action, votes, appoints a person, obligates or commits their agency to a course or action or enters into an agreement on behalf of their agency

What is "making" a decision for purposes of the FPPC conflict of interest analysis?


Notice and an opportunity to be heard

What is due process?


Your response when you suspect a council member is leaking closed session information

What is "notify a shareholder?"


The council, staff and the media

Who can remain in the meeting if the room has been cleared?  
