what was the first war that the ship went thu
vetnum war
what is the first analme at the zoo front aria
what was the first ride
who live on the road avder secola
what is my favorite resrunt hint I named a Chicano averder it
what is the prison name
the brig
wer are the groolas
at tree top forist
what is my favorite anomle to see at sea world
what was the majers building before the school but it
what is the perfect wave to surf
a nice big jusie wave
what is the place we're the cap;tin sits
the iland
what is Luna's favorite anolms
how many cells douse a shark have
a trilan
who works at the market
what is in the water with you when you surf
sting rays and SHARKS!!!!
what was the year it was made into a museum
how many steps douse tree tops way have
what douse sea world call a killer wail
show moo
who do you see at the abounded trailer park
otto and bobby
is it fun to climb rocks
yes offcares bobby
6000 meals a day
what is a zoo trap
a place for kidnapping anolmes
what is the first thing you sea at sea world
a guy on a sea food diet he seas it and eats it
douse Barney live in pine vally
is 100 degrees to hot to surf