True or False: Were the bells on Mission San Jose Destroyed and Rebuilt?
Who was the founder of the San Jose Mission?
Father Lasuén
True or False: is there murals inside the San Jose Mission
Who is San Jose mission named after?
Saint Joseph
How many bells are located in the bell towers at Mission San José?
Why was the San Jose mission made?
Spread Catholicism and Extend Spanish Territory.
Who made the Alter in San Jose Mission?
José de la Cruz
When was San Jose Mission rebuilt?
True or False: was music an educational way for the native American?
True or False: Is mission San Jose still open?
it's True
What is the name of the artist who painted the altar of Mission San José?
José de la Cruz
True or False: is Mission San Jose the 13th mission
True or False: the Bells were made for decoration.
False [they were for calling people to worship and reminding people of God.]
What year was the San Jose Mission Made?
June 11, 1797
Who made the Rose window in San Jose Mission?
Antonio Ramírez
The 14th mission
What was the name of the song often sung during mass?
Gregorian Chant
What was San Jose Mission full name?
Mission San José de Guadalupe.
What is the Rose window in San Jose Missions
it is a Window that is a Spanish colonial