Experimental Designs
Grounded Theory Designs
Action Research Designs
Narrative Research Designs
Mixed Methods Designs
When you want to establish possible cause and effect between your independent and dependent variables.
What is When do you use an Experiment?
A systematic, qualitative procedure used to generate a theory that explains, at a broad conceptual level, a process, an action, or an interaction about a substantive topic.
What is a grounded theory design?
Systematic procedures done by teachers (or other individuals in educational settings) to gather information about, and subsequently improve, the ways their particular educational setting operates, their teaching, and their student learning.
What is Action Research?
When researchers describe the lives of individuals, collect and tell stories about people's lives.
What is Narrative Research?
A procedure for collecting, analyzing, and "mixing" both quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study or a series of studies to understand a research problem.
What is Mixed Methods Research?
Random assignment; Control over extraneous variables; Manipulation of the treatment conditions; Outcome measures; Group comparisons; Threats to validity.
What are key characteristics of Experiments?
When you need a broad theory or explanation of a process.
What is When do you use Grounded Theory?
When you have a specific educational problem to solve.
What is When do you use Action Research?
When you have individuals willing to tell their stories and you want to report on their stories.
What is When do you use Narrative Research?
When both quantitative and qualitative data together provide a better understanding of your research problem than either by itself.
What is When do you conduct a Mixed Methods study?
Specific reasons for why we can be wrong when we make an inference in an experiment because of covariance, causation constructs, or whether the causal relationship holds over variations in persons, setting, treatments, and outcomes.
What are Threats to Validity?
Systematic Design; Emerging Design; and Constructivist Design.
What are Types of Grounded Theory Designs?
Encourages change in the schools; Fosters a democratic approach to education; Empowers individuals through collaboration on projects; Positions teachers and other educators as learners who seek to narrow the gap between practice and their vision of education; Encourages educators to reflect on their practices; Promotes a process of testing new ideas.
What are Reasons cited today for the importance of action research?
Autobiographies, biographies, life writing, personal accounts, personal documents, and oral histories.
What are some examples of types of Narrative Research Forms?
To simultaneously collect both quantitative and qualitative data, merge the data, and use the results to understand a research problem.
What is the purpose of a convergent (or parallel or concurrent) methods design?
Problems in drawing correct inferences about whether the covariation between the presumed treatment variable and the outcome reflects a causal relationship.
What are Threats to internal validity?
Process approach; Theoretical sampling; Constant comparative data analysis; A core category; Theory generation; and Memos.
What are the key characteristics of Grounded Theory Research?
Practical and Participatory.
What are the types of Action Research Designs?
Experiences of an individual, chronology of experiences, life stories, restorying, themes or categories, context or place, collaboration.
What are some of the major characteristics of Narrative Research?
Collecting quantitative data and then collecting qualitative data to help explain or elaborate on the quantitative results.
What is what an explanatory sequential mixed methods design consists of?
Decide if an Experiment addresses your research problem.
What is the first step in conducting Experimental Research?
Notes the researcher writes throughout the research process to elaborate on ideas about the data and the coded categories.
What are Memos?
Implement the plan and reflect.
What is the 8th step in conducting an Action Research Study?
Identify a phenomenon to explore that addresses an educational problem.
What is the first step in conducting Narrative Research?
To collect quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously or sequentially, but to have one form of data play a supportive role to the other form of data.
What is the purpose of the Embedded Design?