What is Robin Hood?
An alien found in a chunk of ice.
What powers does Scout’s dagger have?
The power to heal
How did the children first find Robin Hood?
The children were cherry-picking and found him in the pestilence vines.
Where are the children from?
The planet Zircon.
What is the pestilence?
A vine with many thorns of different sizes.
What is Robin Hood’s role in the story?
The captain of their ship.
What powers does Slugger’s dagger have?
The power to blast fire.
Where was the Star Hawk destroyed?
The moon base.
Where was Flint when he was infected?
The planet 2460-1.
What planet did it destroy?
The planet Zircon.
What was Robin Hood’s final form?
A Bernedoodle dog.
What powers does Flint’s dagger have?
The power to see and teleport.
What planets did the children and Robin Hood go to?
Earth, Moon, 2460-1
What is the children’s special ability?
They can breath underwater.
How was the pestilence destroyed?
It was defeated by the Sapphire Sword.
How many space ships does Robin Hood fly in with the kids?
2 space ships. (Nautilus and Star Hawk)
What planet were the daggers on?
The planet 2460-1
How was the Nautilus almost destroyed?
The D.W.A.L.R or the Doomsday Weapon of Absolute Last Resort.
What was their father’s job?
An astronomer.
How does the pestilence infect someone?
The pestilence has to hit someone with it’s thorns or thorn.
What space ship does Robin Hood build?
The Nautilus.
What did the daggers form?
The Sapphire Sword.
How many people were in their family before their mom died?
5 people
What was their last name?
O’Ryan is their last name.
What did the pestilence form in the end?
A man.