What does the word plow mean
Plow: To go through something, or to gather and pick from
Where would you put the quotation marks for this sentence?
I miss my brother said Sarah .
"I miss my brother" said Sarah.
What is something you can tell me about Sarah?
Sarah is
From Maine
She is Married
She loves chickens
What is the setting in the story?
Answer: The setting is very nature based, there is a lot of plants and flowers. They probably live on a farm because they talk about horses and chickens as well.
True or False: The story take place in the 1800's.
What does the word Squawk mean
A very loud scream or noise
Where would you put the quotation marks for this sentence?
Zinnias and marigolds and wild feverfew said Maggie.
"Zinnias and marigolds and wild feverfew" said Maggie.
Who are Matthew and Maggie?
They are neighbors to Sarah
What was something you noticed looking at there clothing in the story?
There dressed from the past and wear very traditional clothing.
True of False: Sarah is from the state of Vermont
False: She is from Maine
What does the word shuffling mean
To drag or scrape your feet across the ground
To mix up a deck of cards
To move things around in a careless matter
Where would you put the quotation marks for this sentence?
I nearly forgot said Maggie on the porch. I have something more for you.
"I nearly forgot" said Maggie on the porch. "I have something more for you."
What do they call Jacob in the beginning of the story since his wife passed away
A widower
What is something Maggie and Sarah have in common?
They both have had gardens where they lived.
True or False? : Sarah did not like chickens
False: Sarah loved Chickens
What does the word tucked mean?
To tighten up loose ends, to put something in a tight spot , to secure soemthing
Where would you put the quotation marks for this sentence?
There are always things to miss, said Maggie. No matter where you are.
"There are always things to miss", said Maggie. "No matter where you are."
What were the children Rose and Violet named after in the story?
They were named after flowers
Why do you believe Sarah missed the sea?
Answer: She missed it because she can be homesick and is not used to where she lives.
True or False?: Maggie and Sarah both have made there own gardens
True: Maggie and Sarah have both made gardens
Double points!
What does the word Founded mean?
To make or create something
Where would you put the quotation marks for this sentence?
Plants, she said to Sarah. For your garden
"Plants," she said to Sarah. "For your garden"
Why was Sarah sad in the story?
She was sad because she missed the sea of where she used to live.
Bonus points! What were Sarah and Maggie making while Sarah told Maggie what was upsetting her?
Answer: biscuit dough or bread
True or False?: Sarah had a brother
True: Sarah did have a brother