Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Statistics Tests
Research Vocab
Descriptive & Inferential Statistics
Researchers intentionally select individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon.
What is purposeful sampling?
The dependent variable that is the presumed effect of the treatment variable.
What is an outcome measure?
A branch of mathematics that focuses on the organization, analysis, and interpretation of a group of numbers.
What is statistics?
The arithmetic average of a group of scores; sum of the scores divided by the number of scores.
What is the mean?
Correlations examine the degree of association in relationship to two variables.
What is correlation?
Observation, interviews, documents, audiovisual materials.
What are the qualitative forms of data?
Problems in drawing correct inferences about whether the covariation between the presumed treatment variable and the outcome reflects a causal relationship.
What are threats to internal validity?
The square root of the average of the squared deviations from the mean. You first find the variance and then take the square root of the variance.
What is standard deviation?
Variability indicates the spread of the scores in a distribution.
What is a measure of variability?
SEM is the Standard Error of Measurement. It is used to calculate confidence intervals of scores.
What is SEM and how is it used.
Consists of answering the major research questions and forming an in-depth understanding of the central phenomenon through description and thematic development.
What is developing a theme or idea from qualitative research?
Investigators use the correlational statistical test to describe and measure the degree of association between two or more variables or set of scores.
What is a correlational research design.
Conclusion that the results of a study would be unlikely if in act there were no association in the larger group you want to know about.
What does it mean to be statistically significant?
The educational issues and controversies or concerns that guide the need for conducting a study. Authors state it as a single sentence or several sentences in a research report.
What is a research problem?
Two-tailed tests are used when no direction is specified. One-tailed tests are used to determine whether a result is greater or lower than another result.
What is the difference between one-tailed and two-tailed tests?