The color of Sarah's Leotard which is also Bubby's favorite color of dress

What is black


When Sarah was in this grade, She began with a mask and finished without one

What is 5th grade?


The newest addition to Sarah's family, shares this name with Sarah's father's father's father. 

 What is Fal(i)k?


Sarah is a phenomenal athlete b"H! But besides playing sports, she also enjoys this summer activity.

What is swimming?


Straight and tall, Thin shadows fall

in stripes of black on strips of white

as Sarah plays on this, on winter nights.

What is the piano?


Besides being famous as avid basketball players and having the privilege of being part of Sarah's family, Uncle Donny and Shimon Yehuda might be even more well known for this...

What is being "better" than Sarah at ballet?


Grey and pleated bottoms, blue and button down tops.

What are the colors of Sarah's uniform?


Cutting toilet paper and setting up candlesticks 

What are two of Sarah's erev Shabbos chores?


This village has been home to Sarah's maternal grandparents (Sabi and Savti) for the lasts 23 summers. 

What is Woodlake Village?


Number of times Sarah takes lessons each week with Morah Shira

What is once?


Sarah's age when she started taking ballet, which is only one year less than the number of total years she has been taking ballet. 

What is 6?


This subject, which Sarah excels in, is her least favorite subject - probably because she needs to study with her father who teaches it 

What is math?


Sarah has the zechus of learning with Sabi Greengart b"H. And get this! Besides hilchos tefilla, she also learns this with Sabi - the same halachos as her own mother (Aunt Rena) learned to prepare for her Bas mitzvah! Sarah's parents are hoping the learning is put into practice...

What are the halachos of Kibbud Av V'eim?


Sarah spent one month in this sleepaway camp for girls. The sister camp of Camp Agudah - where her brothers have spent many summers. 

What is Camp Bnos?


Music talent definitely runs in Morah Shira's family! Her cousin is this famous Jewish singer, who shares a name with one of Sarah's siblings. 

Who is Mordechai Schapiro?


Leah Newmark founded, and still directs, the ballet studio Sarah attends. Leah's name is hinted to in the Company name. It rhymes with Bark. 

What is Lark Ballet?


The latest fad in BYAM includes bringing a "Morning Refresher" drink from this local, Kosher food establishment. 

What is Dunkin Donuts?


Sarah has the zechus of learning with her Bubby Greenspan. Besides Navi, which they had been learning a couple of years ago, they have recently been learning these halachos

What is Hafrashas Challah? 


Day camps Sarah has attended include Morah Malky's playgroup, Morah Adeena Strook's playgroup, Woodlake Village, Camp Temima, Camp Bnos Yam and this camp, on the grounds of Camp Morris

What is Camp Rina?


When she's in the mood to listen to music, The 5th volume of this group, is Sarah's favorite album to listen to. It's a good thing they weren't singing in the cold or in the sun. That would have been bad for their voices...

What is Kumzitz in the Rain Vol. 5?


The title of last year's ballet show, which Sarah performed in beautifully, is also the title of a 1959 animated film, featuring a princess just like Sarah. 

What is Sleeping Beauty?


Besides teaching ivris, Morah Yurman is known for her excellent Navi teaching skills and also for being this...

What is Sarah's favorite teacher??


A few years ago, you may have entered Sarah's room, and you would have found her "hanging out" with her Eighteen favorite "little sisters". She also had three of these larger and more life-like versions.

What are American Girl dolls?


This camp, run by Batsheva Tashman, - shares a name with a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, created by Yuko Shimizu and currently designed by Yuko Yamaguchi, a young female gijinka with a red bow and no mouth - is where Sarah wanted to work

What is Camp Hello Kitty?


This jewish Music group sings "esah einai" and also produced the album which Sarah most enjoys playing on piano. They have a fan club which includes her two older brothers. 

What is Shalsheles?
