Did the Sarcosuchus weigh more or less than 10,000 lbs
What living reptile is the sarcosuchus more closely related too
what is North American Crocodile
Where were the first Sarcosuchus remains discovered
what is the Sahara
when did the Sarcosuchus live
what is Early Cretaceous
could a Sarcosuchus tolerate both fresh and saltwater?
What is yes
Name reptile that could suffocate a sarcosuchus
what is titanoboa
what family is the Sarcosuchus in?
what is the clade pholidosauridae
Where was the first full Sarcosuchus skeleton discovered
What is Niger
how much did an average Sarcosuchus weigh?
what is 8.8 short tons
what was the Sarcosuchus's preferred habitat
what is swamps/warm shallow rivers
what is a Sarcosuchus's common food source
what is fish or dinosaurs
is the North American Crocodile in the same family as a Sarcosuchus
Where was the first south American Sarcosuchus skeleton found
what is Brazil
what part of the skull takes up 75% of its mass
what is snout
what climate was the Sarcosuchus habitat
what is tropical
who has a stronger bite a T-rex or sarcosuchus
what is sarcosuchus
daily double/what do you call a white crocodile
what is crocasion
when was the expedition that found the first Sarcosuchus skeleton
what is 1946-1959
how long was a Sarcosuchus snout
what is 18 feet
how long ago was the sahara a ocean
what is 10,000 years
What was the average length of a sarcosuchus
what is 9 to 9.5 meters
is the Sarcosuchus a member of a warm or cold blooded clade?
what is cold blooded clade
who discovered the first Sarcosuchus bones
who is Albert-Felix de lapparent
could a Sarcosuchus preform a death roll
daily double random question!!!!:) would you have a Sarcosuchus as a pet