Despite growing up in different countries, Mia and Liam discovered a shared affinity for classic literature, bonding over their love for Victorian novels.
A feeling of closeness or interest
The village stood desolate, its crumbling buildings serving as haunting reminders of a forgotten past.
Deserted; dreary; lifeless; boring
Without concrete evidence, it was pure speculation as to who had stolen the priceless artifact from the museum.
guess; make a theory without much evidence
Emily credited her healthy savings account to her frugal lifestyle, claiming that all the little decisions about spending money could add up quickly.
Thrifty; good at finding ways to save money
Jerry needs to be more assertive when he's asking his teacher to review his work, so that she will take him more seriously.
Being confident and up-front; coming across as decisive and tough
With his warm smile and easygoing nature, Tom was known by all as an amiable presence at social gatherings.
Friendly and pleasant
The cloying scent of overly sweet cologne lingered in the air long after the creep had left, adding to her already sickening feeling.
After hours of debate, Max realized he had overlooked an important fact, and finally had to concede defeat.
forfeit, surrender, give up; admit that your opponent has won; admit you were wrong
The students devised a covert plan to sneak into the school after hours and set up their senior prank.
secret, sneaky; undercover
The artist's talent lay latent for years, until a new friendship helped her rediscover her passion for drawing.
hidden, but still there/possible to be exposed; usually describing a quality or trait
As the lithe dancer moved across the stage, her fluid movements captivated the audience, leaving them mesmerized.
graceful; flexible, like a dancer
The emaciated stray dog tugged at Sarah's heartstrings, prompting her to bring it home and nurse it back to health.
very thin, sickly, wasting away
As the team leader, Alex knew he could trust his colleagues to handle their work, allowing him to delegate responsibilities with confidence.
assign a task(s) to someone else; spread work out among a team
The laws of physics are immutable; you can't just rely on hope to not get hurt jumping out of that tree.
permanent, not changeable
The coach used tough love to goad his players into giving their all on the field.
To urge, incite to action; make someone angry on purpose
Sarah knew she could always count on her friend's candor, even if it was difficult to hear.
Honesty, frankness, straightforwardness
Next to the torn curtains, the family cat sat cleaning her paws, hoping to imply the dog was culpable for all the destruction.
deserving blame; guilty
This year, Nadine made a new year's resolution to renounce tobacco once and for all.
formally declare your rejection of something; a promise to avoid something forever
Phil's mood had been mercurial recently, leaving his friends unsure about when to approach him with offers for help.
changes a lot; unpredictable; moody
The truce between Jenny and Alisha was tenuous at best, but they managed to make it through the day without calling each other any bad names.
flimsy, weak; having little substance or strength
In an attempt to mollify the angry customer, the manager offered a full refund and a sincere apology for the inconvenience.
To calm someone down; soften someone's anger or temper
The once-respected movie star's fall from grace was swift and ignominious, tarnishing his legacy forever.
humiliating, very embarrassing; disgraceful
The student tried to repudiate the accusation of plagiarism, but couldn't find any way to provide solid proof.
deny; refuse to accept; separate yourself from something
Jenny apologized for her laconic text, explaining that she was just having a really busy day.
short, terse, to-the-point (in speech or writing); few words
Moxie sat obstinately on top of the fridge, squinting down at us while we scolded her and tried to reach her to get her down.
stubborn; won't change their mind or give in