Grab Bag

This punctuation separates independent clauses

What is a comma? 


The definition of this word is to become less active, less intense, or less in amount.

As I began my speech, my feelings of nervousness quickly ____________.

What is abated?

v. to become less active, less intense, or less in amount

As I began my speech, my feelings of nervousness quickly abated.


The correct answer for this multiple choice question is_____?

According to Passage 1, What is true about Coluberquatuorlineatus and Colubersauromates?

What is C?

 A.They have identical markings.                             B. The Coluberquatuorlineatus is unrelated to the Colubersauromates.                                              C. Colubersauromates evolved before Coluberquatuorlineatus.


Toronto's pro hockey team is named for this, also seen on Canada's flag.

What is a maple leaf?

If you don't have this on testing day, you will not be permitted to take the test.

What is an ID?


This punctuation separates adjectives only if they can be in reverse order and still make sense.

What is a comma?


The definition of this word is to be satisfied, with no desire to change or improve.

Though he had never won any awards or even been published, he was__________ with his life as a poet.

What is complacent?

adj. satisfied, with no desire to change or improve

Though he had never won any awards or even been published, he was complacent with his life as a poet.


Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

A.Paragraph 2, Sentence 1 (“It is … confirmation)

B.Paragraph 2, Sentence 3 (“Yet, if we…primitive.”)

C.Paragraph 3, Sentence 1 (“It is…explained.”)

What is B?

A.Paragraph 2, Sentence 1 (“It is … confirmation)

B.Paragraph 2, Sentence 3 (“Yet, if we…primitive.”)

C.Paragraph 3, Sentence 1 (“It is…explained.”)


This Pixar movie is about a bunch of toys going on an adventure. 

What is Toy Story?


Please make sure you leave this item at home or in your car, otherwise you will not be permitted to take the test.

What is electronic devices [phone, iWatch, etc...]?


Out of the two options below, ____ was written correctly. 

A. My mom made a well dinner.

B. My mom made a good dinner.

What is answer B?

•Right: My mom made a good dinner.


The definition of this word is :

n. the practicality or possibility of something

The ___________of her project was doubtful; she’d have to go all the way to Antarctica and back before the school year ended.

What is feasibility?

n. the practicality or possibility of something

The feasibility of her project was doubtful; she’d have to go all the way to Antarctica and back before the school year ended.


In Passage 1, the author is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?                       A. Establishing a framework for additional discussion.                                            B.Pointing out features unique to a particular animal species.                                    C.Explaining evolutionary trends in snake color and markings.

What is A?                                                           A. Establishing a framework for additional discussion.                                                          B.Pointing out features unique to a particular animal species.                                                C.Explaining evolutionary trends in snake color and markings.


The person who lives next door.

Who is your neighbor?


The SAT score range is from what to what? 

What is 400 to 1600?


The sentence below is an example of this type of sentence structure.

Example: Mother was very busy gathering the laundry, dusting the furniture, and washing the dishes.

What is parallelism ?


adj. capable of being molded or changed

Children’s minds are ___________ but only for so long.

What is malleable?

adj. capable of being molded or changed

Children’s minds are malleable but only for so long.


Which of the following inferences about snake coloring and markings is most supported by Passage 1?

A.Coloring can be as reliable an indicator of species as markings.

B.Two different species of snake will not have the same coloring and markings.

C.Coloring sometimes helps distinguish snake species.

What is C?

A.Coloring can be as reliable an indicator of species as markings.

B.Two different species of snake will not have the same coloring and markings.

C.Coloring sometimes helps distinguish snake species.


Make no apology for this classic board game, the game of "sweet revenge". 

What is the game Sorry?


True or False

SAT  deducts points for wrong answers.

What is false?


“To err is human; to forgive divine." is an example of this type of parallelism.  

What is antithesis?


n. highest level or degree

Many believe that composers such as Beethoven and Mozart represent the ___________ of classical music.

What is pinnacle?

n. highest level or degree

Many believe that composers such as Beethoven and Mozart represent the pinnacle of classical music.


Unlike Passage 1, Passage 2 emphasizes that which of the following can be used to identify a snake species?

Body markings and head shape.

Body length and markings.

Pupil shape and body width.

What is C?

A.Body markings and head shape.

B.Body length and markings.

C.Pupil shape and body width.

This is the room number for SAT Prep- English at C.A.

What is 122?


These items are legal to bring to the testing site.

What is a pencil, snacks, calculator. 
