Parallel Structure/Verb & Noun Agreement
Transition Words
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

British scientists James Watson and Francis Crick won the Nobel Prize in part for their 1953 paper announcing the double helix structure of __________ it is misleading to say that Watson and Crick discovered the double helix.

a) DNA, but


C) DNA. Because 


A) DNA, but


Writing __________ invented in Sumer around 3200 BCE, marking the beginning of recorded history.

a) have been

B) was

C) were being

D) are

B) Was


The storm caused widespread damage to the town. ____, the community rallied together to rebuild and support each other.

A) Additionally

B) Moreover

C) Instead

D) Furthermore

D) Furthermore


Lê Lương Minh became the thirteenth secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in January 2013, making _______ the first time the organization would appoint a Vietnamese leader.

A) these

B) those

C) this

D) some

C) this


The Land of Enchantment is a 1906 travel book by Lilian Whiting. In the book, which describes the experience of traveling through the southwestern United States by train, Whiting reflects on the escape from everyday life that such a journey provides: ______ 

Which quotation from The Land of Enchantment most effectively illustrates the claim? 

A. “The opportunities and advantages already offered and constantly increasing are greater than would at first be considered possible.” 

B. “The social and the picturesque charm of the long journey is singularly enhanced by the leisurely stops made for refreshment.”  

C. “The real journey begins, of course, at Chicago, and as these trains leave in the evening the traveller fares forth in the seclusion of his berth.” 

D. “One experiences a certain sense of detachment from ordinary day and daylight duties that is exhilarating.”  



What punctuation joins together 2 complete sentences? (name all)

A) semicolon (;)


C) comma (,)

D) period (.)

A, B, and D


The warrior hoisted his ruby-hilted sword, ________ it in the air, and slew the ugly dragon.

A) will twirl

B) twirl

C) Twirled

D) to twirl

C) Twirled


The team had trained hard for the championship match. ____, they were defeated by their underdog opponents.

A) Additionally

B) However

C) Consequently

D) Therefore

B) However


When they were first introduced to western Europe from Byzantium in the eleventh century, table forks were met with much resistance. The Bishop of Ostia, St. Peter Damian, condemned the eating utensils because he considered _______ dangerous and unnecessary luxury items.

A) them

B) this

C) that

D) it

A) them


Even though its crocodilian jaws are fragile and incapable of eating a large animal, the Gharial still evokes a powerful ___________.

a) emotion, terror

B) emotion terror

C) emotion— terror

D) emotion; terror

C) emotion— terror


Despite of all the obstacles she ___________ was determined to achieve her goals.

A) faced Maria

B) faced; Maria

C) faced: Maria

D) faced, Maria

D) faced, Maria


Awarded a Newbery Medal, Doll Bones _____ the story of three children's quest to return a haunted doll to its proper grave site.

a) are

B) is

C) were

D) have been 

B) is


Although novels and poems are considered distinct literary forms, many authors have created hybrid works that incorporate elements of both. Bernardine Evaristo’s The Emperor's Babe, _______ is a verse novel, a book-length narrative complete with characters and a plot but conveyed in short, crisp lines of poetry rather than prose.

A) by contrast,

B) consequently,

C) secondly,

D) for example,

D) for example,


Scientists believe that, unlike most other species of barnacle, turtle barnacles (Chelonibia testudinari) can dissolve the cement-like secretions they use to attach _______ to a sea turtle shell, enabling the barnacles to move short distances across the shell’s surface.

A) it

B) themselves

C) them

D) itself

B) themselves


Roasted green chiles are a popular ingredient in Southwestern cuisine, but the traditional roasting method of burning propane is not environmentally friendly. To see if solar power could provide a better alternative, engineer Kenneth Armijo and his team roasted batches of green chiles using between 38 and 42 heliostats, which are devices that concentrate sunlight. The team was successful in reaching the same roasting temperature used in traditional propane roasting, but they found that propane yielded faster results. While the fastest solar-roasted green chiles took six minutes, batches using propane took only four. Armijo hypothesizes that they can reduce the roasting time for solar-roasted green chiles by using more heliostats.  

Which finding, if true, would most directly support Armijo’s hypothesis? 

A. The temperature inside the roasting drum is distributed more evenly when roasting green chiles with solar power than with propane. 

B. Attempts to roast green chiles using 50 heliostats yields results in fewer than six minutes. 

C. Green chile connoisseurs prefer the flavor of solar-roasted green chiles over the flavor of propane-roasted green chiles. D. The skins of solar-roasted green chiles are easier to peel than the skins of propane-roasted green chiles. 



Chinese cuisine is like both science and ___________ experimentation, trial-and-error, and years of experience.

a) art— it requires—

B) art: it requires

C) art, it requires

D) art it requires

B) art: it requires


The classic children’s board game Chutes and Ladders is a version of an ancient Nepalese game, Paramapada Sopanapata. In both games, players encounter “good” or “bad” spaces while traveling along a path; landing on one of the good spaces _______ a player to skip ahead and arrive closer to the end goal.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A) allows

B) are allowing

C) have allowed

D) allow

A) allows


At two weeks old, the time their critical socialization period begins, wolves can smell but cannot yet see or hear. Domesticated dogs, _______ can see, hear, and smell by the end of two weeks. This relative lack of sensory input may help explain why wolves behave so differently around humans than dogs do: from a very young age, wolves are more wary and less exploratory.

A) in other words,

B) for instance,

C) by contrast,

D) accordingly,

C) by contrast,


British scientists James Watson and Francis Crick won the Nobel Prize in part for their 1953 paper announcing the double helix structure of DNA, but it is misleading to say that Watson and Crick discovered the double helix. _______ findings were based on a famous X-ray image of DNA fibers, “Photo 51,” developed by X-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin and her graduate student Raymond Gosling.

A) They’re

B) It’s

C) Their

D) Its

C) Their


Biographer Michael Gorra notes that the novelist Henry James “lived in a world of second thoughts,” frequently tinkering with his novels and stories after their initial publication. However, the differences between the 1881 first edition and the 1908 edition of his novel A Portrait of a Lady are extreme, even by James’s standards; _______ some critics regard the two editions as two different novels altogether.

A) by contrast,

B) in fact,

C) nevertheless,

D) in other words,

B) in fact,


In 1943, in the midst of World War II, mathematics professor Grace Hopper was recruited by the US military to help the war effort by solving complex equations. Hopper’s subsequent career would involve more than just _______ as a pioneering computer programmer, Hopper would help usher in the digital age.

A) equations, though:

B) equations, though,

C) equations. Though,

D) equations though

A) equations, though:


After discovering that children who grow up on farms are less likely to suffer from asthma and allergies, researchers is trying to isolate the compounds in farm dust that lead to this protection

a) No Change

B) tries 

C) has tried

D) are trying

D) Are trying


Researchers Helena Mihaljević-Brandt, Lucía Santamaría, and Marco Tullney report that while mathematicians may have traditionally worked alone, evidence points to a shift in the opposite direction. _______ mathematicians are choosing to collaborate with their peers—a trend illustrated by a rise in the number of mathematics publications credited to multiple authors.

A) Similarly,

B) For this reason,

C) Furthermore,

D) Increasingly,

D) Increasingly,


Public-awareness campaigns about the need to reduce single-use plastics can be successful, says researcher Kim Borg of Monash University in Australia, when these campaigns give consumers a choice: for example, Japan achieved a 40 percent reduction in plastic-bag use after cashiers were instructed to ask customers whether _______ wanted a bag.

A) they

B) one

C) you

D) it

A) they


In 1534 CE, King Henry VIII of England split with the Catholic Church and declared himself head of the Church of England, in part because Pope Clement VII refused to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Two years later, Henry VIII introduced a policy titled the Dissolution of the Monasteries that by 1540 had resulted in the closure of all Catholic monasteries in England and the confiscation of their estates. Some historians assert that the enactment of the policy was primarily motivated by perceived financial opportunities. 

Which quotation from a scholarly article best supports the assertion of the historians mentioned in the text? 

A. “At the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries, about 2 percent of the adult male population of England were monks; by 1690, the proportion of the adult male population who were monks was less than 1 percent.” 

B. “A contemporary description of the Dissolution of the Monasteries, Michael Sherbrook’s Falle of the Religious Howses, recounts witness testimony that monks were allowed to keep the contents of their cells and that the monastery timber was purchased by local yeomen.” 

C. “In 1535, the year before enacting the Dissolution of the Monasteries, Henry commissioned a survey of the value of church holdings in England—the work, performed by sheriffs, bishops, and magistrates, began that January and was swiftly completed by the summer.”

D. “The October 1536 revolt known as the Pilgrimage of Grace had several economic motives: high food prices due to a poor harvest the prior year; the Dissolution of the Monasteries, which closed reliable sources of food and shelter for many; and rents and taxes throughout Northern England that were not merely high but predatory.” 

C. “In 1535, the year before enacting the Dissolution of the Monasteries, Henry commissioned a survey of the value of church holdings in England—the work, performed by sheriffs, bishops, and magistrates, began that January and was swiftly completed by the summer.”
