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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is a US government agency whose budget is frequently many times contested.

a) NO CHANGE b) often times c) repeatedly d) DELETE

What is d) DELETE


In the sentence: "If you credit the demographers, this transit trend has its legs."
Credit most nearly means:

a) endow b) attribute c) believe d) honor

What is c) Believe


Over the past generation, people in many parts of the United States have become accustomed to dividing their household waste products into different categories for recycling. ________, paper may go in one container, glass and aluminum in another, regular garbage in a third.

a) Regardless b) However c) Furthermore d) For Example

What is d) For Example


If 5/x=15/(x+20), what is the value of x/5

What is 2


If 3/5w=4/3, what is the value of w?

What is 20/9


In the winter of 1968, scientists David Schindler and Gregg Brunskill poured nitrates and phosphates into Lake 1, this is one of the 58 freshwater bodies that compose Canada’s remotely located Experimental Lakes Area.

a) NO CHANGE b) 227. Which is one c) 277. One d) 277, one 

What is d) 277, one


In the sentence: "Not unexpectedly, the statistical strength of the findings made a huge difference in whether they were ever published."
Strength most nearly means:

a) Attribution b) Exertion c) Toughness d) Significance

What is d) Significance


Because digital systems record indiscriminately, they cannot discern important parts of the proceedings from other noises in the courtroom. ________, a digital device does indeed record everything, but that includes loud noises, such as a book dropping, that can make the actual words spoken impossible to hear.

a) Despite this b) In other words c) Therefore d) Consequently 

What is b) In other words


The number of radians in a 720-degree angle can be written as aπ, where a is a constant. What is the value of a?  

What is 4



What is 8x2-7x-4


A short list of inventions elaborated by NASA includes communications satellites, invisible braces, and cordless tools.

a) NO CHANGE b) Evolved c) Developed d) Progressed

What is c) Developed


In the sentence: "Surely this consideration is of itself sufficient to arouse the slumbering energies of woman, for the overthrow of a system which thus threatens to lay in ruins the fabric of her domestic happiness; and she will not be deterred from the performance of her duty to herself, her family, and her country, by the cry of political question."

Slumbering most nearly means:

a) Lethargic b) Dormant c) Drowsy d) Unconcious

What is b) Dormant


However, despite its many utilitarian benefits, colleges have not always supported the study of philosophy. A 1994 survey concluded that only 18 percent of American colleges required at least one philosophy course.              , between 1992 and 1996, more than 400 independent philosophy departments were eliminated from institutions.

a) Therefore b)Thus c) Moreover d) However

What is c) Moreover


At a lunch stand, each hamburger has 50 more calories than each order of fries. If 2 hamburgers and 3 orders of fries have a total of 1700 calories, how many calories does a hamburger have?

What is 370


In a circle with center O, central angle AOB has a measure of 5π/4 radians. The area of the sector formed by central angle AOB is what fraction of the area of the circle?

What is 5/8


Burland advocated using soil extraction: removing small amounts of soil from under the tower’s north side, opposite its tilt, to enable gravity to straighten the tower.

a) NO CHANGE b) Advocated to use c) advocated the using of d) advocating to use

What is a) NO CHANGE


In the sentence: "Unless freedom strengthen her reason till she comprehend her duty, and see in what manner it is connected with her real good?"
Reason most nearly means:

a) Motive b) Sanity c) Intellect d) Explanation

What is c) Intellect


Among the possibilities to reconfigure a building’s lighting is the installation of full-pane windows to allow the greatest degree of sunlight to reach office interiors. _______, businesses can install light tubes, which are pipes placed in workplace roofs to capture and funnel sunlight down into a building’s interior.

a) thus b) Nevertheless c) Finally d) Alternatively

What is d) Alternatively


In triangle ABC, the measure of ∠B is 90°, BC = 16, and AC = 20. Triangle DEF is similar to triangle ABC, where vertices D, E, and F correspond to vertices A, B, and C, respectively, and each side of triangle DEF is 1/3 the length of the corresponding side of triangle ABC. What is the value of sin F?

What is 3/5 or 0.6



Give v in terms of h, t, and k.

What is v=h-k/t+16t


From its beginning, the movement had opposed the standardization of taste that fast food chains promote.

a) NO CHANGE b) opposes c) will oppose d) has opposed

What is d) has opposed


In the sentences: "It was thus that they won us the right to our brand-new sixpence. It falls to us now to go on thinking; how are we to spend that sixpence?"

Sixpence most nearly means:

a) Tolerance b) Knowledge c) Perspective d) Opportunity

What is d) Opportunity


Typically, the ice sheet begins to show evidence of thawing in late summer. This follows several weeks of higher temperatures.               , in the summer of 2012, virtually the entire Greenland Ice Sheet underwent thawing at or near its surface by mid-July, the earliest date on record. 

a) For Example b) However c) As such d) Moreover

What is b) However



In the quadratic equation above, a is a nonzero constant. The graph of the equation in the xy-plane is a parabola with vertex (c,d). Which of the following is equal to d?

Tip: Use Vertex Equation

What is -9a


An online store receives customer satisfaction ratings between 0 and 100, inclusive. In the first 10 ratings the store received, the average (arithmetic mean) of the ratings was 75. What is the least value the store can receive for the 11th rating and still be able to have an average of at least 85 for the first 20 ratings?

What is 50
