Test Taking Info
Test Strategies 1.0
Test Strategies 2.0

What time do students need to be at Norman High School to take PSAT and where do they go?

All 9th, 10th, & 11th grade students will take the PSAT tomorrow (Wednesday, 10/11) at 9:00 AM SHARP. They will need to head straight to their assigned rooms (which can be found on the printed sheets by the courtyard)!


What item should you NOT bring with you to take the PSAT?

A) your student ID for identification

B) pencils with erasers for your scratch sheet of paper 

C) your cell phone for a calculator and to keep track of time

D) you should bring all of the above items for the PSAT.

The answer is C. You cannot use a cell phone during the test so bring a calculator. The teacher will keep track of the time during the test for you. You should bring your student ID and two #2 pencils with erasers.


If you don't know the answer to a question you should...

A) Ignore it entirely

B) Think about it for 5 minutes then answer

C) Skip it and return back to it later (if possible)

D) Cry about it

The answer is C. Skipping it will allow you not to waste precious time and returning back to it will allow you to handle the question at the end of your test.


John did not take Annie seriously when she told him she was going to bed to sleep for a week; she was prone to _____________? 

a) earnestness 



d) hyperbole 


The answer is D, hyberbole. Hyberbole is an extravagant exaggeration, often not intended to be taken literally.


Find the error in the sentence.

Sponsors of the Olympic Games who bought advertising time on U.S. television includes at least a dozen international firms whose names are familiar to American consumers.

A) who bought

B) includes

C) at least

D) whose

E) no error

The answer is B, "includes" should be "include". This sentence illustrates a subject-verb agreement error. The subject, "Sponsors of the Olympic Games who bought advertising time on United States television," is plural; the word "includes" should be "include," to match the number of the subject.

Will the 11th-grade PSAT be paper/pencil or electronic?

Students will take their PSAT electronically on student-loaned, NPS devices... NO NEED to bring your own electronic devices!


Should you guess the answers on the PSAT?

A) Yes, because wrong answers don't count against you.

B) Yes, because you have to answer all the questions to get a score.

C) Yes, but only if you can eliminate one or more of the choices as definitely wrong.

D) No, because wrong answers count against you.

E) Both C and D

The answer is E, both C and D. Educated guessing means guessing an answer whenever you are able to eliminate one or more of the choices as definitely wrong. Educated guessing may help you so C is correct. Because you lose a fraction of a point for questions you get wrong, you can earn an above-average score by getting only half the questions right and omitting the rest so D is also correct.


If you are answering questions about a story problem you should...

A) go back and re-read

B) look for context-clues

C) skim only

D) A & B

The answer is D. Whether it be math or reading, utilizing the ability to go back, re-read, and looking for context-clues will allow you the best chance to answer correctly.


Although some think the terms "bug" and "insect" are ____ , the former term actually refers to _____ group of insects. 

(A) parallel . . an identical 

(B) precise . . an exact 

(C) interchangeable . . a particular 

(D) exclusive . . a separate 

(E) useful . . a useless

The answer is C, interchangeable..a particular.

The word "although" indicates that the two parts of the sentence contrast with each other: although most people think about the terms one way, something else is actually true about the terms. 

Choice C is correct because it presents a situation where most people think of the two terms as interchangeable, but the first of the two terms, bugs, actually refers to particular group of insects.


Find the error in the sentence.

If one is interested in learning even more about Zora Neale Hurston, you should read Robert Hemenway's biography.

A) is interested

B) in learning

C) even more

D) you should

E) no error

The answer is D, "you" should be "one". The error in this sentence is the pronoun "you" is not consistent with the pronoun "one" in the introductory clause. The pronoun "you" should be changed to "one."


What does the PSAT test day (roughly) look like? Do you go home or return to 6th & 7th hour after your test?

Arrive at 9:00 AM, test (in a self-proctored, type of way) until 1:00 PM. Lunch from 1:00-2:00 PM. Students go to 6th & 7th Hour.


Here are some general hints for answering Sentence Completion questions. Please identify which hint is NOT correct.

A) Read the entire sentence to yourself.

B) Watch for introductory or connecting words and phrases like "but," "not," "because," etc.

C) In sentences with two blanks, only one answer has to make sense in the sentence.

D) Start by working with one blank at a time.

E) Stay within the meaning of the sentence.

F) Before you mark your answer, read the complete sentence with your choice filled in.

The answer is C. In sentences with two blanks, make sure the words for both blanks make sense in the sentence.


Why should you be aware of words like "always," "never," "only," "must," and "completely."?

A)  These are extreme words that are more than likely to be the wrong choice since there are many exceptions to rules.

B) These are simple words that are more than likely to confuse you.

C) They are necessary to the question at hand so, any time you see them, it is the correct answer.

D) All of the above

The answer is A, these are extreme words that are more than likely to be the wrong choice since there are many exceptions to rules.


Revise the following sentence to properly incorporate punctuation.

One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms, another that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment. 

(A) symptoms, another that occurs 

(B) symptoms; another one that occurs 

(C) symptoms, the other, and it occurs 

(D) symptoms; another one which is occurring (E) symptoms and also occurring

The answer is B. This sentence illustrates a comma splice, the incorrect use of a comma to connect two complete sentences. Choice B correctly uses a semicolon to coordinate two independent clauses and form a compound sentence (while at the same time keeping verb tenses parallel).


Find the error in the sentence.

In the early twentieth century, new thinking about symbolism and the unconscious were greatly inspired by the writings of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

A) about

B) were

C) by

D) writings of

E) no error

The answer is B, "were" should be "was". The error in this sentence is the verb "were" (which is plural) does not agree in number with the noun "thinking" (which is singular). The correct sentence reads: In the early twentieth century, new thinking about symbolism and the unconscious was greatly inspired by the writings of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

What does PSAT stand for?
PSAT stands for the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test.

Which of the following are the 2 sections on the PSAT?

A) Reading and Writing & Science

B) Reading and Writing & Math

C) Reading and Writing ONLY

B) Science & Math

The answer is B. There are two sections total - one Reading and Writing section (64 minutes) and one Math section (70 minutes).


What do you think the following phrase regarding test taking skills/strategies alludes to?

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

If the directions say read.... READ! Pay close attention to signal words in the directions, such as explain, interpret, and compare.


Revise the beginning of the sentence for clarity and understanding.

Looking at the context of the editorial, the words "abrupt" and "blitz" are meant to place the redevelopment program in an unfavorable light. 

(A) Looking at the context of the editorial 

(B) In the context of the editorial 

(C) When the editorial's context is looked at 

(D) Considering its context 

(E) Examining the editorial's context

The answer is B. The problem with this sentence is that there is no noun that the underlined phrase modifies. Versions (A), (C), (D), and (E) also produce sentences with the same problem. The prepositional phrase in version (B) avoids this problem.


Find the error in the sentence.

Pine, like other softwoods that ignite quickly, are useful as kindling.

A) other

B) quickly

C) are

D) as

E) no error

The answer is C, "are" should be "is". The error in this sentence is the plural verb "are" does not agree in number with its singular subject, "pine." The correct sentence reads: Pine, like other softwoods that ignite quickly, is useful as kindling.


Why should you take the PSAT? 

a) It is a practice test for the SAT, which you take in your junior or senior year. 

b) It is used for qualification in the National Merit Scholarship Program in your junior year. 

c) It can be used to predict colleges/universities that you can aim to apply and receive admittance to 

d) all of the above

The answer is D, all of the above.


What do you think the following phrase means regarding test taking strategies?

No Blanks! Always Check!

Never leave a question blank and always check before submitting your work :)


Name 5 suggestions you should do the night before and morning of your test.

Get 8 hours of sleep

Eat a good, hearty breakfast

Bring a water bottle

Wear layers (you don't know if you will get hot or cold during your test!)

Wear comfortable clothes to feel good and confident

Go for a walk, meditate, journal, etc.

Get to school early!

Turn your phone off


Read the passage and answer the question. 

(1) Advertisements are present wherever we go. (2) They enter our houses in newspapers, magazines, and on our television screens. (3) Television advertisements are used not only to sell products but, more importantly, to sell ideas. (4) It is in selling ideas that ads have the most significant impact. (5) They interrupt most television programs every few minutes. (6) Many ads imply that if we buy specific products then we will be happy. (7) An example of this strategy is an ad in which a woman is shown driving her family in a new car. (8) She has a smile on her face, a new car will bring people happiness. 

Question: Sentence 5 would make the most sense if placed after...

(A) Sentence 1 

(B) Sentence 2 

(C) Sentence 5 

(D) Sentence 6 

(E) Sentence 7

The answer is B. This question asks you to recognize that sentence 5 is an expansion of the thought introduced in sentence 2 and properly belongs immediately after that sentence in the paragraph. To place the idea later in the paragraph disrupts the progress of ideas that the writer is developing.


Find the error in the sentence.

In many respects, Marvel and DC are very similar companies, but Marvel has the most attention and money as of late.

A)In many respects

B) but

C) has 

D) the most spirit

E) no error

The answer is D, "the most attention" should be "more attention". The error in this sentence is (D): the superlative form of the phrase "the most attention" is not appropriate when only two companies are being compared. The appropriate form for such a comparison is "more attention." The correct sentence reads: In many respects, Marvel and DC are very similar companies, but Marvel has more attention and money as of late.
