Craft and Structure (R&W)
Information and Ideas (R&W)
Standard English Conventions (R&W)
Expression of Ideas (R&W)
Geometry and Trig
Problem Solving and Data Analysis
Advanced Math

The following text is from Booth Tarkington’s 1921 novel Alice Adams.

Mrs. Adams had always been fond of vases, she said, and every year her husband’s Christmas present to her was a vase of one sort or another—whatever the clerk showed him, marked at about twelve or fourteen dollars.

As used in the text, what does the word “marked” most nearly mean?

A) Stained

B) Staged

C) Watched

D) Priced

D) Priced


The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is facing a serious threat from coral bleaching, a phenomenon in which corals lose their colorful symbiotic algae due to increasing seawater temperatures. Coral bleaching can make the corals more susceptible to disease and death, leading to a reduction in the biodiversity and resilience of the reef. Scientists say that reducing local sources of pollution, such as runoff from farms and sewage, could help improve water quality and lower the stress on the corals.

According to the text, what is the main cause of coral bleaching?

A) Pollution from local farms and sewage systems

B) Rising seawater temperatures

C) A reduction in reef biodiversity 

D) Growing symbiotic algae populations

B) Rising seawater temperatures


The neurotoxic venom of the blue-ringed octopus, which is named for its distinctive blue markings, ______ it one of the deadliest sea creatures in the world.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A) makes

B) make

C) have made

D) are making

A) makes


Researchers believe that pieces of hull found off Oregon’s coast are from a Spanish cargo ship that was lost in 1697. Stories passed down among the area’s Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians support this belief. ______ Siletz stories describe how blocks of beeswax, an item the ship had been carrying, began washing ashore after the ship was lost.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A) For this reason,

B) For example,

C) However, 

D) Likewise, 

B) For example,


3x - 8 <= 7

Which of the expressions below is an equivalent inequality to the one above?

x <= -1/3

x>= -1/3

x<= 5

x>= 5

x<= 5


The figure shows a line intersecting two parallel lines. What is the value of x?



The number of employees in each industry in Seattle was recorded and rounded to the nearest  thousand. The results are displayed in the dot plot. According to the dot plot, what is the median number of employees, in thousands?



The graph of  y = (x-2)^2-4  is shown in the xy-plane. What are the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola?

(2, -4)


In the award-winning puzzle game Monument Valley, players navigate the silent princess Ida through a series of puzzles and optical illusions. The game is known for its ______ art design: beautiful, fantastical architecture and calming pastel colors that make the game both challenging and pretty to look at.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A) violent

B) mundane

C) intricate

D) distracting

C) intricate


Investigative journalists research and report about fraud, corruption, public hazards, and more. The graph shows the number of investigative articles published in the Albuquerque Journal newspaper from 2010 to 2019. According to an analyst, although the number of investigative articles published in this newspaper has varied significantly over the period shown, the number overall has fallen since 2010.

Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to justify the underlined claim?

A) The newspaper published approximately 1,000 investigative articles in 2010 and approximately 500 in 2019.

B) The smallest annual number of investigative articles published in the newspaper during the period shown is approximately 1,600 in 2013. 

C) The greatest annual number of investigative articles published in the newspaper during the period shown is approximately 1,000 in 2017. 

D) The newspaper published approximately 1,000 investigative articles in 2010 and approximately 1,600 in 2013

A) The newspaper published approximately 1,000 investigative articles in 2010 and approximately 500 in 2019.


About 70,000 meteorites have been found on Earth. Although most meteorites are fragments of ______ hundred have been identified as being from the Moon or Mars.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A) asteroids: several

B) asteroids; several

C) asteroids, several

D) asteroids. Several

C) asteroids, several


`While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

  • Maika’i Tubbs is a Native Hawaiian sculptor and installation artist.
  • His work has been shown in the United States, Canada, Japan, and Germany, among other places.
  • Many of his sculptures feature discarded objects.
  • His work Erasure (2008) includes discarded audiocassette tapes and magnets.
  • His work Home Grown (2009) includes discarded pushpins, plastic plates and forks, and wood.

The student wants to emphasize a similarity between the two works. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

A) Erasure (2008) uses discarded objects such as audiocassette tapes and magnets; Home Grown (2009), however, includes pushpins, plastic plates and forks, and wood.

B) Like many of Tubbs’s sculptures, both Erasure and Home Grown include discarded objects: Erasure uses audiocassette tapes, and Home Grown uses plastic forks.

C) Tubbs’s work, which often features discarded objects, has been shown both within the United States and abroad.

D) Tubbs completed Erasure in 2008 and Home Grown in 2009.

B) Like many of Tubbs’s sculptures, both Erasure and Home Grown include discarded objects: Erasure uses audiocassette tapes, and Home Grown uses plastic forks.


Tamika purchases a new mattress for $600, which she will pay for with an initial payment of $150 and monthly installments of $30. Which of the following equations can be used to find the number of monthly installments, m, required to complete the purchase, assuming there are no taxes or fees?

A) 600 = 30m - 150

B) 600 = 30m

C) 600 = 150m + 30

D) 600 = 30m + 150

D) 600 = 30m + 150


What is the value of x in the figure? 

A) 47

B) 55

C) 78

D) 204

B) 55


80, 80, 60, 95, 70

What is the mean of the values shown?



 72 = 2x^2 

What are the solutions to the given equation?

x = -6 

x = 6


The following text is from the 1884 poem "Solitude" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone; For the brave old earth must borrow its mirth, It has troubles enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer; Sigh, it is lost on the air; The echoes rebound to a joyful sound, But shrink from voicing care.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A) To explore how people use laughter and song to cope with difficult emotions

B) To make the case that it is only through solitude that we can come to truly appreciate the full range of our emotions

C) To argue that people should be equally sympathetic toward the positive emotions and the negative emotions of others

D) To claim that positive emotions are well-received by the world, while negative emotions are shunned

D) To claim that positive emotions are well-received by the world, while negative emotions are shunned


Jan Gimsa, Robert Sleigh, and Ulrike Gimsa have hypothesized that the sail-like structure running down the back of the dinosaur Spinosaurus aegyptiacus improved the animal’s success in underwater pursuits of prey species capable of making quick, evasive movements. To evaluate their hypothesis, a second team of researchers constructed two battery-powered mechanical models of S. aegyptiacus, one with a sail and one without, and subjected the models to a series of identical tests in a water-filled tank.

Which finding from the model tests, if true, would most strongly support Gimsa and colleagues’ hypothesis?

A) The model with a sail took significantly longer to travel a specified distance while submerged than the model without a sail did.

B) The model with a sail displaced significantly more water while submerged than the model without a sail did.

C) The model with a sail had significantly less battery power remaining after completing the tests than the model without a sail did.

D) The model with a sail took significantly less time to complete a sharp turn while submerged than the model without a sail did.

D) The model with a sail took significantly less time to complete a sharp turn while submerged than the model without a sail did.


It is hard to live in Antarctica. The cold, dry environment provides the continent’s soil-dwelling microbes few nutrients, little water, and almost no sunlight. In a 2017 study of these organisms, microbiologist Belinda Ferrari reported that ______ able to survive on a diet of atmospheric gases found in the soil.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A) it is

B) this is 

C) either is

D) they are

D) they are


The number of dark spots that appear on the Sun, known as sunspots, can vary greatly. For example, there were about 180 sunspots in November 2001. ______ there were only about 2 sunspots in December 2008.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A) In other words, 

B) Similarly, 

C) Therefore, 

D) By comparison,

D) By comparison,


 3x + 4(2 - y) = 5x 

 2 - y =6x 

Consider the given system of equations. If (x, y) is the solution to the system, then what is the value of  x/y ?

x/y = 0/2 = 0


V = 1/3pir^2h

The formula gives the volume V of a right circular cone with radius r and height h. What is the volume, in cubic inches, of a right circular cone with a radius of 12 inches and a height of 2 inches?



Esteban has a big jar of change in his room. He has 600 coins total, and 240 of them are pennies. What percent of the coins are pennies?



For what value of x is the expression  5/(6-2x) undefined?



Jackie Ormes’s Torchy Brown in Dixie to Harlem (1937–38) was the first comic strip by a Black woman to appear in a widely read newspaper. The strip tells the story of Torchy, a young woman who leaves Mississippi to become a performer in New York City. Torchy’s story reflects the experience of the Great Migration (1910–1970), when millions of Black Americans left the South in search of opportunities in other parts of the United States. Torchy Brown thus shows how Ormes used comics to comment humorously on issues affecting Black Americans, which she continued to do throughout her career.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A) To give an example of how Ormes presented the experiences of Black Americans in her comic strips

B) To show how Ormes’s Torchy Brown inspired other Black women to write comic strips in the 1930s

C) To claim that several characters in Torchy Brown were based on people that Ormes knew personally

D) To illustrate how the subjects Ormes addressed in her comic strips changed over the course of her career

A) To give an example of how Ormes presented the experiences of Black Americans in her comic strips


In order to combat climate change, many countries around the world have enacted policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While these policies are generally lauded as positive steps, some critics argue that they do not go far enough. For instance, some carbon reduction policies allow companies to "offset" their emissions by investing in forest conservation or reforestation projects rather than actually reducing their own emissions. As a result, critics worry that these policies may inadvertently ______.

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) discourage companies from pursuing new methods to actually reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

B) cause an increase in deforestation as companies seek to clear land for their industrial activities. 

C) incentivize companies to invest in environmental recovery projects unrelated to climate change.

D) encourage companies to seek ways of offsetting their greenhouse gas emissions without investing in forest conservation or reforestation projects. 

A) discourage companies from pursuing new methods to actually reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.


Slam poet Elizabeth Acevedo’s debut novel The Poet X, winner of the 2018 National Book Award for Young People’s Literature, is composed of ______ protagonist, fifteen-year-old Xiomara Batista.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A) poem’s putatively written by the novel's

B) poem’s putatively written by the novels’

C) poems putatively written by the novels’

D) poems putatively written by the novel's

D) poems putatively written by the novel's


While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

  • Meow Wolf is an arts and entertainment company based in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • The company was founded in 2008 by a group of artists.
  • Meow Wolf is known for its immersive art installations, which blend art, architecture, and technology.
  • Its first permanent installation, "House of Eternal Return," opened in 2016.
  • Meow Wolf has announced plans to expand to other cities, including Denver and Las Vegas.

The student wants to introduce Meow Wolf to an audience unfamiliar with the company. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

A) Founded in 2008, Meow Wolf is a Santa Fe-based arts and entertainment company that creates immersive art installations.

B) Meow Wolf is based in Santa Fe, but plans to expand to other cities, including Denver and Las Vegas.

C) Meow Wolf's first permanent installation, "House of Eternal Return," opened in 2016, and the company has plans to expand to other cities.

D) Since its founding in 2008, Meow Wolf has become known for blending art, architecture, and technology.

A) Founded in 2008, Meow Wolf is a Santa Fe-based arts and entertainment company that creates immersive art installations.


The equation 6y—3x=5 is graphed in the xy‑plane. Which of the following is a true statement about the graph?

A) The graph's x-intercept is  5/6  and its y-intercept is  -5/3 .

B) The graph's x-intercept is  -5/3  and its y-intercept is 5/6 .

C) The graph has a slope of 2. 

D) The graph has a slope of  -1/2 

B) The graph's x-intercept is  -5/3  and its y-intercept is 5/6 .


In the figure above, triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF. What is the value of sin(F)?

sin(F) = 7/25


The National Research Council recommends keeping a 1:3 copper to zinc ratio in a horse's diet. If the horse is getting 420 milligrams of zinc per day, how many milligrams of copper does the Council recommend the horse have?

140 milligrams


 f(x) = x^3 +2x + 7 

The function f is defined. What is the value of f(-3)?



The following text is from Herman Melville’s 1854 novel The Lightning-rod Man.

The stranger still stood in the exact middle of the cottage, where he had first planted himself. His singularity impelled a closer scrutiny. A lean, gloomy figure. Hair dark and lank, mattedly streaked over his brow. His sunken pitfalls of eyes were ringed by indigo halos, and played with an innocuous sort of lightning: the gleam without the bolt. The whole man was dripping. He stood in a puddle on the bare oak floor: his strange walking-stick vertically resting at his side.

Which choice best states the function of the underlined sentence in the overall structure of the text?

A) It sets up the character description presented in the sentences that follow.

B) It establishes a contrast with the description in the previous sentence.

C) It elaborates on the previous sentence’s description of the character.

D) It introduces the setting that is described in the sentences that follow.

A) It sets up the character description presented in the sentences that follow.


Jean Toomer’s 1923 story “Kabnis” focuses on Ralph Kabnis, a schoolteacher experiencing a crisis of identity. Throughout the story, Kabnis is described in ways that suggest he feels disconnected from his own humanity: ______

Which quotation from “Kabnis” most effectively illustrates the claim?

A) “Night winds in Georgia are vagrant poets, whispering. Kabnis, against his will, lets his book slip down, and listens to them.”

B) “He totters as a man would who for the first time uses artificial limbs. As a completely artificial man would.”

C) “His gaze drifts down into the vale, across the swamp, up over the solid dusk bank of pines, and rests, bewildered-like, on the court-house tower. It is dull silver in the moonlight.”

D) “His hand strokes the slim silk of his mustache. His thumb, pressed under his chin, seems to be trying to give squareness and projection to it.”

B) “He totters as a man would who for the first time uses artificial limbs. As a completely artificial man would.”


The field of geological oceanography owes much to American ______ Marie Tharp, a pioneering oceanographic cartographer whose detailed topographical maps of the ocean floor and its multiple rift valleys helped garner acceptance for the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A) geologist

B) geologist:

C) geologist;

D) geologist,

A) geologist


When composing music for film, Japanese composer Joe Hisaishi typically uses traditional orchestral instrumentation with the piano as the lead, resulting in emotional, contemplative melodies. ______ for the score of the animated film Spirited Away, he incorporated some unorthodox digital instruments, such as synthesized chimes and bells, to create the whimsical, otherworldly sound of the spirit world.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A) However,

B) Moreover, 

C) Similarly, 

D) Therefore, 

A) However,



y<= 4x + 1

Which of the following ordered pairs satisfies the system of inequalities?

A) (-4, 2)

B) (0, 4)

C) (2, -2)

D) (2, 4)

D) (2, 4)


In a right triangle, the length of one leg is 5 and the length its hypotenuse is 7. What is the length of the missing leg?

2sqrt6 or 4.898


The table shows data from the U.S. Census Bureau regarding the methods people use to travel to work categorized by geographic region. All the data is estimated in millions of people. Based on the information in the table, what is the relative frequency of people in the Northeast region who take public transportation? Simplify your answer!



 y=-x - 11 


Which of the following is a solution to the system of equations?

A) (-2, -9)

B) (0, -7)

C) (2, -13)

D) (3, -13)

C) (2, -13)
