Identifying Errors A
Identifying Errors B
Grammar Practice
Reading Comprehension

Greek yogurt businesses have found many methods of controlling and eliminating most environmental threats. Given these solutions as well as the many health benefits of the food, the advantages of Greek yogurt (outdo) the potential drawbacks of its production.


B) defeat 

C) outperform 

D) outweigh

Choice D is the best answer because “outweigh” is the only choice that appropriately reflects the relationship the sentence sets up between “advantages” and “drawbacks.”


Nutritionists consider Greek yogurt to be a healthy food: it is an excellent source of calcium and protein, serves as a digestive aid, and (it contains) few calories in its unsweetened low- and non-fat forms. Greek yogurt is slightly lower in sugar and carbohydrates than conventional yogurt is.


B) containing 

C) contains 

D) will contain

Choice C is the best answer because it presents a verb tense that is consistent in the context of the sentence. The choice is also free of the redundant “it.”


What is a group of related words containing a subject and a verb.

A. phrase

B. clause

C. appositive

a clause


Akira came directly, breaking all tradition. Was that it? Had he followed form-had he asked his mother to speak to his father to approach a go-between-would Chie have been more receptive?

As used in line 1 and line 65, "directly" most nearly means

A) frankly. 

B) confidently. 

C) without mediation. 

D) with precision.


Choice C is the best answer. Akira “came directly, breaking all tradition,” (line 1) when he approached Chie and asked to marry her daughter, and he “ask[ed] directly,” without “a go-between” (line 65) or “mediation,” because doing otherwise would have taken too much time.


A verb that shows past or present tense is a/an:

A. participle

B. gerund

C. preposition



Because it requires up to four times more milk to make than conventional yogurt does, Greek yogurt produces larger amounts of acid whey, which is difficult to dispose of. To address the problem of disposal, farmers have found a number of uses for acid whey. They can add it to livestock feed as a protein (supplement, and people can make their own Greek-style yogurt at home by straining regular yogurt.)

Which choice provides the most relevant detail? 


B) supplement and convert it into gas to use as fuel in electricity production. 

C) supplement, while sweet whey is more desirable as a food additive for humans. 

D) supplement, which provides an important element of their diet.

Choice B is the best answer because it offers a second action that farmers can undertake to address the problem of acid whey disposal, thus supporting the claim made in the previous sentence (“To address the problem of disposal, farmers have found a number of uses for acid whey”).


(Also,) because it is more concentrated, Greek yogurt contains slightly more protein per serving, thereby helping people stay satiated for longer periods of time. These health benefits have prompted Greek yogurt’s recent surge in popularity.


B) In other words, 

C) Therefore, 

D) For instance,

Choice A is the best answer because it properly introduces an additional health benefit in a series of sentences that list health benefits. “Also” is the logical and coherent choice to communicate an addition.


What is true of a phrase?

A. It can only have two words.

B. It must have a subject and a verb.

C. The words do not need to be related.

A. It can only have two words.


A verb form that ends in -ing and functions as a noun is a/an:

A. Participle

B. Gerund

C. Appositive



If it is improperly introduced into the environment, acid-whey runoff (can pollute waterways,) depleting the oxygen content of streams and rivers as it decomposes.


B) can pollute waterway's, 

C) could have polluted waterways, 

D) has polluted waterway’s,

Choice A is the best answer because it results in a sentence that is grammatically correct and coherent. In choice A, “waterways,” the correct plural form of “waterway,” conveys the idea that acid whey could impact multiple bodies of water. Additionally, the compound verb “can pollute” suggests that acid whey presents an ongoing, potential problem.


Because it is more concentrated, Greek yogurt contains slightly more protein per serving, thereby helping people stay (satiated) for longer periods of time. These health benefits have prompted Greek yogurt’s recent surge in popularity.


B) fulfilled 

C) complacent 

D) sufficient

Choice A is the best answer because “satiated” is the only choice that communicates effectively that Greek yogurt will satisfy hunger for a longer period of time.


Which sentence contains an example of a gerund phrase?

A. Running in marathons is my mother’s constant passion.

B. His car, a rusty 1982 Ford Mustang, chugged down the road like an old mule. 

C. From my vantage point, I can see two eagles.

A. Running in marathons is a gerund phrase because it ends in -ing, and it is a verb acting as a noun.


Akira came directly, breaking all tradition. Was that it? Had he followed form-had he asked his mother to speak to his father to approach a Line go-between-would Chie have been more receptive? 

The main purpose of the first paragraph is to

A) describe a culture. 

B) criticize a tradition. 

C) question a suggestion. 

D) analyze a reaction.

Choice D is the best answer. The first paragraph (lines 1-4) reflects on how Akira approached Chie to ask for her daughter’s hand in marriage. In these lines, the narrator is wondering whether Chie would have been more likely to say yes to Akira’s proposal if Akira had followed tradition: “Akira came directly, breaking all tradition. Was that it? Had he followed form—had he asked his mother to speak to his father to approach a go-between—would Chie have been more receptive?” Thus, the main purpose of the first paragraph is to examine why Chie reacted a certain way to Akira’s proposal.


His car, a rusty 1982 Ford Mustang, chugged down the road like an old mule.

The italicized portion of the sentence is a/an:

A. prepositional phrase

B. Infinitive phrase

C. Appositive Phrase



Yogurt manufacturers, food (scientists; and) government officials are also working together to develop additional solutions for reusing whey.


B) scientists: and 

C) scientists, and 

D) scientists, and,

Choice C is the best answer because it utilizes proper punctuation for items listed in a series. In this case those items are nouns: “Yogurt manufacturers, food scientists, and government officials.”


In fact, Greek yogurt can be found in an increasing number of products such as snack food and frozen desserts. Because consumers reap the nutritional benefits of Greek yogurt and support those who make and sell (it, therefore farmers) and businesses should continue finding safe and effective methods of producing the food.


B) it, farmers 

C) it, so farmers 

D) it: farmers

Choice B is the best answer because it provides a syntactically coherent and grammatically correct sentence.


Your answer is inconsistent ______ what we learned in class. A.To B.Of C.(nothing) D.With

D (inconsistent with)


Why does Akira say his meeting with Chie is "a matter of urgency" (line 32)? 

31"Madame," said Akira, "forgive my disruption, but 32 I (come with a matter of urgency.") 

33 His voice was soft, refined. He straightened and 34 stole a deferential peek at her face. 

35 In the dim light his eyes shone with sincerity. 36Chie felt herself starting to like him. 

37 "Come inside, get out of this nasty night. Surely 38 your business can wait for a moment or two." 

39 "I don't want to trouble you. Normally I would 40approach you more properly but I've received 41word of a position. I've an opportunity to go to 42America, as dentist for Seattle's Japanese community."

A) He fears that his own parents will disapprove of 


B) He worries that Naomi will reject him and marry 

someone else. 

C) He has been offered an attractive job in another 


D) He knows that Chie is unaware of his feelings for 


Choice C is the best answer. Akira states that his unexpected meeting with Chie occurred only because of a “matter of urgency,” which he explains as “an opportunity to go to America, as dentist for Seattle’s Japanese community” (lines 41-42). Akira decides to directly speak to Chie because Chie’s response to his marriage proposal affects whether Akira accepts the job offer


What are the three parts of a word?

prefix, suffix, root word


Nutritionists consider Greek yogurt to be a healthy food: it is an excellent source of calcium and protein, serves (to be) a digestive aid, and contains few calories in its unsweetened low- and non-fat forms.


B) as 

C) like 

D) for

Choice B is the best answer because it provides a grammatically standard preposition that connects the verb “serves” and the noun “digestive aid” and accurately depicts their relationship


Greek yogurt business have found many methods of controlling and eliminating most environmental threats. Given these solutions as well as the many health benefits of the food, the advantages of Greek yogurt outdo the potential drawbacks of its production. (Though these conservation methods can be costly and time-consuming, they are well worth the effort.) Nutritionists consider Greek yogurt to be a healthy food: it is an excellent source of calcium and protein, serves to be a digestive aid, and it contains few calories in its unsweetened low- and non-fat forms.

The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Should the writer do this? 

A) Yes, because it does not provide a transition from the previous paragraph. 

B) Yes, because it fails to support the main argument of the passage as introduced in the first paragraph. 

C) No, because it continues the explanation of how acid whey can be disposed of safely. 

D) No, because it sets up the argument in the paragraph for the benefits of Greek yogurt.

Choice D is the best answer because the paragraph includes several benefits of consuming Greek yogurt, particularly in regard to nutrition and satisfying hunger, to support the sentence’s claim that the conservation efforts are “well worth the effort.” This transition echoes the passage’s earlier claim that “the advantages of Greek yogurt outweigh the potential drawbacks of its production.”


Which sentence contains an infinitive phrase?

A. Thanking everyone, my uncle began to carve the turkey.

B. His car, a rusty 1982 Ford Mustang, chugged down the road like an old mule. 

C.  To swim the length of the pool underwater, he had to hold his breath for two full minutes.

C. To swim the length of the pool underwater is an infinitive phrase because it starts with the infinitive form of a verb "to" plus a verb "swim".


As he bowed-his hands hanging straight down, a black cap in one, a yellow oil-paper umbrella in the other-Chie glanced beyond him. In the glistening surface of the courtyard's rain-drenched paving stones, she saw his reflection like a dark double. 

"Madame," said Akira, "forgive my disruption, but I come with a matter of urgency." 

His voice was soft, refined. He straightened and stole a deferential peek at her face. 

In the passage, Akira addresses Chie with:

A) affection but not genuine love. 

B) objectivity but not complete impartiality. 

C) amusement but not mocking disparagement. 

D) respect but not utter deference.

Choice D is the best answer because Akira clearly treats Chie with respect, including “bow[ing]” to her, calling her “Madame”, and looking at her with “a deferential peek”. Akira does not offer Chie utter deference, though, as he asks to marry Naomi after he concedes that he is not following protocol and admits to being a “disruption”.


What is wrong with the following sentence?

He completely finished the entire project ahead of schedule and early.

A. subject/verb agreement

B. It is redundant

C. It has a dangling participle (a participle intended to modify a noun which is not actually present in the text).

