This punctuation separates independent clauses while using "FANBOYS", is placed between 2 adjectives you can insert "and" and switch the order, is used for extra information, and is used in a list of three or more items.
What is a comma?
The following text is adapted from Ida B. Wells’s 1970 autobiography A Crusade for Justice.
Mr. Watts is a reference to George Frederic Watts, an English painter. [Manchester’s] art galleries are so arranged that the name of every picture is plainly seen and one has no need of a catalogue to pick out the name and the artist. This is a convenience to the general public, which other art galleries, which shall be nameless, might copy to advantage. To her treasure of art Manchester has added Mr. Watts’ latest picture, the Good Samaritan. ©1970 by the University of Chicago Press As used in the text, what does the word “arranged” most nearly mean?
A) Organized B) Ranked C) Scheduled D) Discussed
A) Organized
Utah is home to Pando, a colony of about 47,000 quaking aspen trees that all share a single root system. Pando is one of the largest single organisms by mass on Earth, but ecologists are worried that its growth is declining in part because of grazing by animals. The ecologists say that strong fences could prevent deer from eating young trees and help Pando start thriving again.
According to the text, why are ecologists worried about Pando?
A) It isn’t growing at the same rate it used to.
B) It isn’t producing young trees anymore.
C) It can’t grow into new areas because it is blocked by fences.
D) Its root system can’t support many more new trees.
What is A?
A) It isn’t growing at the same rate it used to.
A Rose by the Name Antique
With shears in hand, I clip a thin branch from the rosebush in my backyard garden. I place this clipping into the basket next to me and crouch under this again. I snip a few more branches and then rise to head to the greenhouse. There, I will deposit these clippings in rich soil; roots will take hold, buds will sprout, and a new plant will find a home in my garden.
B. basket next, to me
C. basket, next to me
D. basket next to me,
What is A?
You MUST have these 3 things with you on testing day.
What is a picture ID, charged laptop, and charger?
What punctuation mark would be used here and WHY?
The intelligent friendly students walked to class together.
What is a comma? I can insert the word "and" between intelligent and friendly, and I can flip the order of the two adjectives as well.
The intelligent, friendly students walked to class together.
One challenge of generating electricity from ocean waves is that wave power isn’t _______: it varies in unpredictable ways that pose technological and planning problems for electricity generation. Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) accidental B) confident C) expensive D) consistent
D) consistent
The classic children’s board game Chutes and Ladders is a version of an ancient Nepalese game, Paramapada Sopanapata. In both games, players encounter “good” or “bad” spaces while traveling along a path; landing on one of the good spaces _______ a player to skip ahead and arrive closer to the end goal. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) allows B) are allowing C) have allowed D) allow
What is A?
A) allows
A Rose by the Name Antique
With shears in hand, I clip a thin branch from the rosebush in my backyard garden. I place this clipping into the basket next to me and crouch under this again. I snip a few more branches and then rise to head to the greenhouse. There, I will deposit these clippings in rich soil; roots will take hold, buds will sprout, and a new plant will find a home in my garden.
G. the rosebush
H. one
J. it
What is G?
G. the rosebush
Please make sure you place these items in your bag at the front of the room, otherwise you will not be permitted to take the test or could risk test invalidation.
What is electronic devices such as phone, Apple watch earbuds, etc...?
Out of the two options below, ____ was written correctly.
A. That is it's bed.
B. That is its bed.
What is answer B?
Right: it's means it is
without an apostrophe, it is already possessive
Due to their often strange images, highly experimental syntax, and opaque subject matter, many of John Ashbery’s poems can be quite difficult to ______ and thus are the object of heated debate among scholars. Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) delegate B) compose C) interpret D) renounce
C) interpret
In 1930, Japanese American artist Chiura Obata depicted the natural beauty of Yosemite National Park in two memorable woodcuts: Evening at Carl Inn and Lake Basin in the High Sierra. In 2019, _______ exhibited alongside 150 of Obata’s other works in a single-artist show at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A) it was B) they were C) this was D) some were
What is B?
B) they were
My roses are not your average hybrid-tea roses (those long-stemmed, special occasion roses with well-formed buds). Mine are antique roses, old, or heirloom varieties, that have existed in gardens worldwide for centuries.
G. roses, old or heirloom, varieties,
H. roses old, or heirloom varieties
J. roses, old or heirloom varieties
What is J?
J. roses, old or heirloom varieties
What is the needed Concordant score for the Reading portion of SAT for graduation?
What is 480?
This punctuation mark must separate two complete thoughts.
What is a semicolon or period?
Diego Velázquez was the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV of Spain during the seventeenth century, but his influence was hardly _______ Spain: realist and impressionist painters around the world employed his techniques and echoed elements of his style. Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) derived from B) recognized in C) confined to D) repressed by
C) confined to
Some members of the US Supreme Court have resisted calls to televise the court’s oral arguments, concerned that the participants would be tempted to perform for the cameras (and thus lower the quality of the discourse). _______ the justices worry that most viewers would not even watch the full deliberations, only short clips that could be misinterpreted and mischaracterized. Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition? A) However, B) Additionally, C) In comparison, D) For example,
What is B?
B) Additionally,
I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets waiting by the back door; hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the refrigerator door; and a microscope was sitting on the kitchen table.
would sit
What is G?
g. sitting
The verb form sitting is best here because it creates a parallel structure for all three items in the series: "nets waiting," "hip-waders hanging," "a microscope sitting."
TRUE OR FALSE? The SAT test is adaptive, and your questions in Module 2 are based on how you answered the questions in Module 1.
Everything to the left of this MUST be a complete sentence.
What is colon?
Example -
She wants to travel many places: Texas, Kansas City, and Chicago.
Although science fiction was dominated mostly by white male authors when Octavia Butler, a Black woman, began writing, she did not view the genre as _______: Butler broke into the field with the publication of several short stories and her 1976 novel Patternmaster, and she later became the first science fiction writer to win a prestigious MacArthur Fellowship. Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) legitimate B) impenetrable C) compelling D) indecipherable
B) impenetrable
The following text is adapted from Jean Webster’s 1912 novel Daddy-Long-Legs. The narrator is a young college student writing letters detailing her weekly experiences. [The college is] organizing the Freshman basket-ball team and there’s just a chance that I shall make it. I’m little of course, but terribly quick and wiry and tough. While the others are hopping about in the air, I can dodge under their feet and grab the ball.
Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?
A) To compare basketball with other sports
B) To provide details of how to play basketball
C) To state how players will be chosen for the basketball team
D) To explain why the narrator thinks she might make the basketball team
What is D?
In the first sentence of the text, the narrator states that she thinks there’s a chance she will become part of the basketball team at her college. She goes on to explain that she is “quick” and “tough.” Based on these characteristics, she thinks she has a chance to join the team. Thus, the main purpose of the text is to explain why the narrator thinks she might make the basketball team.
My roses are not your average hybrid-tea roses (those long-stemmed, special occasion roses with well-formed buds). Mine are antique roses, old, or heirloom varieties, that have existed in gardens worldwide for centuries. Compared to vibrant hybrid-tea colors, antique rose colors tend to be silenced. Their stems are also shorter, and their buds are a bit droopier. Their fragrance, however, is unmatched. And unlike the hybrid-tea whose long stems make into a rosebush that is rather scraggly looking, antique rosebushes can be grown in a variety of colors, handsomely landscaping gardens.
G. reduced.
H. muted.
J. lower.
What is H?
H. muted.
TRUE OR FALSE? When taking ACT and SAT, you should answer every question and not leave anything blank.